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I agree with the film. And there is also the Carrington event in the 1800s and sunspots has been documented for hunfrefs of years.

Of course a goverment wants people to belive that they have "superpowers".

However I do belive haarp affects us in a negative way, and goverments don"t care about consequence when they experiment with new technology.

But the auroras has always been around, and even Jupiter has them.

But the claim that haarp caused worldwide auroras is wrong, and perhaps they try to ridicule all of the geoengineering resistans.

It is a form of mockery.

Best way is to make smart people look foolish. And I've been exposed to this in real life by persons who try to make you belive stupid stuff, after you told them about the harm of microwave radiation or something. They come with crazy movieclips and try to ridicule you.

Kind regards


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