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Uplevel consciousness
By Julian Rose
Dec 30.24
Not verbatim
Almost everything mistaken in the world stems from relentless resistance to the existence of a state of consciousness.
Denial of the fact that every new human life born into this world is a divine spark, a fecund manifestation of limitless potential.
Denial of the fact that higher consciousness is actually the default position of humanity – not a distant goal only attainable by a dedicated minority.
So many remain in a state of resistance to their innate connection with the source of life, thus sealing themselves in a well constructed prison; greatly encouraged via the dumbing down priorities enforced by the architects of global control.
The grand deception
Religious institutions created within this control system teach that only some outside saviour can rescue humanity from the ubiquitous spread of evil – of which they themselves are the prime perpetrators. The inability to throw-off a long existing fixation with this form of dogma has brought the world so perilously close to the brink today.
Religious dogma starts by making its captors believe they are powerless. This kind of top-down subversion leads to unquestioned acceptance of grand ulterior motives like the ‘Great Reset’ and is taken-up by all who suffer a fundamental fear of freedom.
This grand deception, sold to we the people under the moniker of ‘the one truth’, leads to senior representatives of leading religious institutions averting their eyes, as millions are murdered due to fearsome divisions created by mass indoctrination of mankind to a grossly distorted interpretation of the road to salvation.
Religious institutions feign shock, but do nothing to expose and end the slaughter of innocents in Gaza; pedophilia and prostitution laid on for their own priests; crass power-play of politicians; gross materialistic indulgence of profit obsessed corporations; cowardly posturing of their own brotherhood and anti-life politics of control of the deep state.
The hypocrisy is complete, since – while turning away from reality – they present their saviours as supreme actors in defence of life, justice and truth.
Religious institutions are subservient to the authority of the State, just as they are subservient to their very own gods – each of which is proclaimed as ‘the one and only true saviour of mankind’ and therefore permanently at war with other challengers for that title.
Pause to reflect
While focusing on the leading role played by perpetration of authoritarian control in diverting humanity from its true path, remember that each of us is responsible for the choices we make in this life.
What the church says, is ‘God’s law’. Such teachings have the opposite effect from that which they proclaim to be their goal. They reinforce relentless resistance to the independent search for truth and meaning of life, the true birthright of all human beings. An indulgence centered around a conviction in the unique superiority of the God of Abraham, and manipulation of this Old Testament warring deity into representing the absolute voice of authority concerning the destiny of His chosen people.
One Consciousness
Divide and conquer are used to splinter the primal condition of wholeness, our common inheritance. There is only One God – and everything comes from Him – and everything returns to Him. The emanation of Supreme Consciousness. Truth is indivisible. Oneness with our Creator is our primal condition and will remain that way.
The refusal to open one’s self to such a fundamental form of consciousness is to live in a state of great impoverishment. Impoverishment, generally accepted as the norm of everyday life, leads to the persecution of those who manifest the noble art of standing for truth.
End the denial
Strip away this carefully constructed facade and underneath one will find the small but potent seed of original spirituality that is the actual direct link to the Divine.
This hobbled state of humanity is preyed upon by deep state globalist architects of control, who work hand in hand with the most influential church authorities in a Faustian pact to maintain domination over the true aspirations of open hearted seekers of truth.
Do we see the Pope or archbishops or leading figureheads of other churches and faiths coming boldly forward to decry those working to genetically modify and re-engineer human DNA, animal and natural environment? Or unitedly rising up to defy overt cold blooded atrocities of mass murder in and around what is called The Holy Land? No, we don’t, with one or two notable exceptions.
Yet are not these crimes against humanity and nature the very heinous acts that teachers of belief in God are supposed to implacably stand up against? Their religious proclamations stand in denial of the very existence of the God of whom they profess to be the messengers.
Somebody’s god has been given the role of stating its absolute supremacy of judgement over any and all other belief systems – and so dogmatic and inflexible is this proclamation that its supporters are willing to provoke a Third World War, rather than see and admit the error of their ways.
Real spirituality is about demolishing ego, not re-enforcing it.
Real spirituality recognises the oneness of all nations, peoples, colours and creeds, not their division and mutual attrition.
Real spirituality upholds and seeks supreme guidance of the Creator of the universe – of all humanity, animal and insect populations and full biological diversity of nature.
Enforced fanaticism, under the guise of religious belief has brought us to the brink of a collective act of suicide. There can be absolutely no excuse for its continuation.
Emancipation of man
We who are aware of this and who respond to that great gift called ‘love of life’ represent the majority of sentient and genuinely human population of Earth.
We are going to step forward now and put an end to the supposed impregnability of the fanatical clique that holds the whole world hostage to its undisguised megalomania.
We will show the power of spirituality in its true light, freed forever from being chained to institutions of deception that have sought to ‘own the word of God’ and use it to lead mankind into the abyss of an ego-fueled world of chaos.
Rise up, all good people of the world, our unstoppable affirmation of life is fast gaining the upper hand; one can feel its dancing prisms of source-delivered energy multiplying day by day, week by week.
We now go determinedly forward, dispelling any last lingering doubts and fears that hold us back from bringing about the full and lasting emancipation of mankind.
Original text at https://21stcenturywire.com/2024/12/28/the-war-on-humanity-a-deliberate-restriction-of-consciousness/
New moon = new beginnings
Between December 30 and 31, sky watchers will witness a rare celestial event—the Black Moon—marking the final astronomical phenomenon of 2024 and ushering in the New Year, 2025.
To everyone, an inlightened, coherent, peaceful and liberating New Year!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog