How bad behavior is being weaponized, massive firings predicted, potential
Freewill is 'self' determined.
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Intelligent ruling entities
By Jason Christoff
Dec 09.24
Excerpts not verbatim.
For about 15 years I've been studying this ancient ruling group hiding behind government and others. I've actually been researching for 25 years and kept coming across well-coordinated "long range" agendas, which require elaborate and highly coordinated mind control campaigns over centuries.
Universal basic income/digital ID
Not only does the NWO plan include removal of all local, state/provincial and federal governments, it also intends to bankrupt most of the economy, get mass tracts of the population receiving UBI (universal basic income) and usher in mass digital control systems.
Final stages of this 5-year mid-range psy-op
Massive firings are coming IMHO and no "the white hats" are not in control; far from it. Doctors who poisoned their patients for big bonuses are about to be fired. Government bureaucrats who organized those bonuses are about to be fired. Insurance executives who paid out fatalistic incentives are about to be fired. Teachers who taught children falsities about gender and encouraged castration-based pathways for students are about to be terminated. Politicians who encouraged mass fake vaccine slaughter of citizens and destructions of their own economies will be let go.... and most people will cheer this on. It all starts with the public rightfully wanting to fire all these satanic government staffers.
The perfect storm
First, you groom everyone through the government school system, this ancient group controls, to be mindless order followers, not thinkers. Then you start organizing a government employment structure that pays 2-3 times the average wage compared to working elsewhere in our Western culture. You then coordinate bonuses, raises and promotions of the government employment structure to only pay out when workers do exactly as they're told. After that part of the psy-op is in place, you have lots of people who make way too much money for the value they're providing society, they don't think and they're unable to consider morality, ethics or justice in relation to their daily behaviors. If they decide to be moral, ethical or just... they don't get big raises, promotions and are thrown overboard. It was designed to be unleashed as the perfect storm in 2020.
Leaking what was sowed
After this logical hatred of government starts to hit a zenith, you "leak" out that everything government workers were doing was illegal and satanic. You "leak" out that the vaccines aren't even vaccines. You "leak" out that the vaccines killed or crippled over 1 billion people worldwide. You "leak" out that masking did absolutely nothing, that the 6-foot distance rule was made up out of thin air, that the vaccines trials were also fake, that the test for COVID was a fraud and that the injections never prevented contagion or infection.
You then have government staffers deny the injection injuries, keep forcing the fake vaccine, keep paying doctors to keep killing their patients with toxic shots or to keep killing patients with government "approved" hospital/care home protocols. You order government employees to behave badly and then you purposely "leak" documents proving you can no longer trust government......because the people who man the levers are too dumb, too immoral, too evil and too inept.
AI to the rescue
This psy-op will eventually end with the people in power "recommending" AI in control of child education, hospital protocols and everything in-between to solve all problems. The people in power (controlled by this ancient cult) will say the only way to avoid acts of brutality in the future will be to fire all government staffers who behaved badly (about 90% of them) and get them all on the UBI. (pensions will be removed b/c they caused so much financial hardship). AI will run everything and there must be a centralized authority to rule the entire world so none of this happens ever again ........which is the NWO.
That ladies and gentlemen is how you weaponize bad behavior and get the public to cheer on everything [consent] designed to enslave and destroy them.
I believe these firings and NWO transitions will start in the US and spread from there. I believe these transitions will be attempted in 2025-2026 during the Trump administration. I don't hate Trump but he's a paid actor. They're all paid actors. The ancient group we're dealing with are mind control masters and they can make you believe absolutely anything, at any time. Live links and more at
Potential to end slavery
Potential is energy stored in a dormant un-manifest state. The power to transform unmanifest into manifest is in everyone made in the likeness of the Highest Authority, the Absolute a.k.a. God, the only power to manifest man’s freewill choices. This is why ruling entities must obtain man’s consent, which they do through any means possible.
Freewill is ‘self’ determined. This means rather than allow ruling entities to pit man against man again, and for the sake of our very own survival, we acknowledge our own contributions to this dark construct. If bureaucrats and others are fired we stand not in judgement but together and inform people en masse in every country of the truth to rebut tyranny, take back our health, our lives, free the children and ourselves. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Yep, our actions/responses are anticipated, and they can then have the opposite effect. It's very clever.