How entities that appear human, hacked the Highest Authority/Creator/God Part II of III
Parts I and II are foundational to Part III.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
At a time when the essence of what it means to be human is at stake.
Levels of consciousness
Perhaps consider what level may apply to where you are or would like to be.
1) Shame (1-20): One feels humiliated, has low self esteem, is paranoid, feels worthless. One may become overly rigid and/or a neurotic perfectionists. Prolonged periods at this level can lead to elimination (of self and others), such as suicide, turning into serial killers, rapists, moral extremists who apply self righteous judgment onto others. The life view here is misery.
2) Guilt (30): Feelings of blame and remorse. Guilt is used to consciously or subconsciously manipulate conformance to certain forms of thinking and behaviors. Commonly melded by society through public punishment, finger-pointing, by religious institutions with preoccupation of “sin” and “salvation”, acts of ritual killing to appease alleged deities. This level cultivates destruction that Hawkins cites as evil.
3) Apathy (50): States of despair and helplessness. One is needy and dependent on others i.e. the homeless, poor, the aged. Because this level feels heavy and seen as a burden people at this level are often avoided; the aged may be abandoned by their own kin b/c they are perceived as a liability. This level is associated with abdication, which means to give up one’s power to others. The life-view here is hopelessness.
4) Grief (75): Feelings of regret, sadness and loss. People vibrate at this level in times of loss of loved ones, relationships, possessions, jobs, money. Outcomes can be mourning, remorse, traumatized by what occurred. Someone at Grief sees despondency and bleakness in the world and life. The life-view here is tragic. Grief is a higher level than Apathy b/c one starts feeling more energy at this level, albeit of sadness and loss.
5) Fear (100): Energy at this level is oriented in anxiety. Common situations are fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of uncertainty, fear of challenges, fear of aging, fear of death, fear of loss, fear of strangers. This emotion is often manipulated by marketers and politicians to achieve their own agendas. Fear leads to paranoia and can turn into obsession. At this level, one views everything uncertain as fearful and thus undergoes a state of withdrawal. Fear blocks personal growth. The life view here is fright.
6) Desire (125): The emotion of craving becomes dominant. We have people pursuing money and status as end goals for a better life, lonely singles longing to be in romantic relationships believing it will complete them, marketers conditioning ‘wants’ in people’s minds through enticing advertisements and promises of happiness with consumption of goods, fashion, playing on desires for increased attraction, etc.
Addictions are outputs of desires for food, video games, fun, sex, shopping, acquisition of money and power. One becomes looped into enslavement at this level because desire is a never-ending emotion. The life-view here is disappointment; one cannot obtain what one desires. Desire is a higher level than Fear because the desire for something propels people forward to action, rather than withdrawal.
7) Anger (150): The emotion at this level is hate. Anger expresses itself as resentment, frustration or revenge. Common manifestations of anger in society are activism toward causes (environmental, animal rights, third-world countries, poverty-stricken areas), equality, social movements.
Examples include irritable and volatile behavior, short-tempers. The upside of anger is liberation and great movements in society; the downside is dangerous behavior and intentional harm. The process one undergoes is aggression. The life-view here is antagonistic, where one is hostile, unfriendly and acts in opposition, rebellion against others.
8) Pride (175): Hawkins cites scorn as the dominant feeling of pride. Consider that dignity is an emotion more representative at the level; scorn comes as a result of dignity though it may be too subtle for people to recognize since it often masked. In our current society, Pride is encouraged and seen as positive i.e. pride of being part of a group, an institution, company, nation, religion, race.
This leads to duality viewpoints, which act as an invisible force to separate people. For example, nations exist because people identify themselves more with a geographical location rather than a common, universal identity. Religions exist because people attach themselves to perceptions of god and values, which serve as a separator.
People form pride based on possessions and external conditions, which makes them vulnerable because such conditions can be removed at any point in time. Pride results in denial and arrogance. At Pride, one undergoes inflation (of ego) rather than being able to see things objectively. The life-view here is demanding.
9) Courage (200): Affirmation is the key emotion here. Courage is the threshold between Power and Force, where one starts influencing change through use of constructive inner states of power rather than destructive force. This is the first waking point where one starts to awaken from their sleepwalker status. At levels below 200 hertz the world is seen as hopeless, tragic, frightening, demanding; people below 200 hertz see themselves as victims, at the mercy of life and subject to forces of the external world.
At courage one sees the world as exciting and filled with possibilities. One undergoes empowerment here. This marks the start of active pursuit of personal growth – where there exists a gap the person will act to fill it. The life-view here is feasible – anything is manageable since the person is able to harness inner power to deal with situations. People at levels above 200 hertz recognize their happiness and life situations are influenced from within by the choices they make.
10) Neutrality (250): Emotions here are trust and safety. People are non-judgmental, objective and able to see things as they truly are. Individuals are detached from possessions, situations, outcomes and can roll with the punches. If they are unable to get something, they settle for something else.
This is NOT the same as apathy. Neutrality comes from a positive place where one recognizes their inner power and abilities and does not need to prove anything to anyone. Apathy is rooted in feeling forsaken, resulting in nonchalance and jadedness toward the external world.
The process is one of release (of everything) and the life-view here is satisfactory, where anything goes. Individuals at this level are easy to get along with; and may be difficult to engage toward causes and visions because they are detached from everything illusionary.
11) Willingness (310): Optimism runs high. At Willingness, the individual is not bound by others’ judgments or by limiting perceptions. They willingly take on menial jobs if they cannot get jobs elsewhere. The marked characteristic between Willingness and levels below is the desire to do things well (for the sake of it), rather than just do things. Someone at Willingness can readily bounce back from set-backs and genuinely open to everyone. Success finds them easily.
The process one undergoes is of intention (do what it takes). The life-view here is hopefulness. At this level people perform extremely well in their careers however the question then becomes whether they are investing their energy in the best way.
12) Acceptance (350): This marks the second waking point where an individual is fully awake from their sleepwalker status. One finally realizes THE power of Creator/Source of their life is within them. They are (1) aware of the social constructs present in life whether by family, society, nation, religion, work (2) able to discern against (limiting) beliefs, viewpoints and conditioning that surrounds them and (3) able to consciously craft their life above and beyond all social constructs.
Characteristic behavior at this level is acceptance vs. rejection, seeking resolutions vs. judging right or wrong, long-term vs. short-term view, engaging life harmoniously on its terms vs. resisting it, striving for personal excellence and growth. The process one undergoes is transcendence (above what one faces in life). The life-view here is harmonious.
13) Reason (400): The emotion is understanding and rationality. One seeks huge amounts of information and analyzes it to infinitesimal detail before reaching conclusions. However, Reason can fall into the trap of over intellectualization in concepts and theories. Where differing theories clash and each argument is sound on its own, we reach a blockade, leading to the inability to resolve discrepancies. This leads to the process of abstraction or preoccupation with data. The life-view here is meaningfulness.
14) Love (500): This level represents unconditional love – love that is pure, unfaltering, unwavering, not subject to external conditions. It is not the same love commonly portrayed in mass media rooted in lust, desire, pride, control, addiction, attraction, jealousy and possessiveness. While media often establishes love and hates as opposite poles, hate is actually rooted from pride, the desire for control and/or possessiveness, not love.
Reverence is the main emotion at the level of unconditional love. At this level, duality is an illusion; the feeling is one of entirety that rises above separation. Unconditional love is inclusive of everyone and expands beyond self.
While Reason deals with specific data, love deals with entirety, thus giving rise to the capacity for instantaneous understanding. This aspect is often linked with intuition. The process one undergoes is revelation. The life-view here is benign, there is no separation, fear or negativity. Hawkins claims only 0.4% of the population (1 in every 250 people) ever reaches this level.
15) Joy (540): Dominant emotions are serenity and compassion. This is inner joy that arises from every moment of existence rather than from an external source. This is the level where advanced spiritual students and healers dwell. At this level, one is characterized by enormous patience and an unwavering positive attitude in the face of harsh adversities. Individuals are motivated to dedicate themselves to the benefit of life rather than just themselves or specific individuals. Here, the process of transfiguration occurs (emanating radiance from the person). The life-view here is completeness.
16) Peace (600): The emotion is bliss. At this level, there is no longer distinction between the observer and the subject. People here become spiritual teachers, geniuses in their field to effect great contributions for mankind; they typically transcend formal religious structures and replace it with pure spirituality from within. Everything is perceived as interconnected by an infinite presence. The process one undergoes is illumination; the life-view here is perfection. Hawkins claims this level is only attained by 1 out of 10 million people.
17) Enlightenment (700-1000): The emotion is ineffable, in other words – inexpressible. This is the pinnacle of evolution of consciousness of man. One’s existence becomes all encompassing and transcends time and space. The process is described as pure consciousness. The life-view here is simply ‘Is‘.
As above so below
Individuals can optimize their life through being the best vision and version of who they truly are, consciousness unbounded in form, to evolve their body, mind spirit/soul toward the highest possible level of enlightenment; a reflection of heaven on Earth. TY!
Part I Framework for personal growth and evolution
Part III How they did it.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
hawkinspartIIof III