Navigate uncertainty with new awareness
Catherine Austin Fitts - 2021
A local bank is a bank that operates within your local area and is primarily owned or controlled by people who live within or near your local area.
A regional bank is one that operates in your state and a few other states and is owned and/or controlled by people based in those states.
Details for the following are in the link below
A. Identify Local Banks
B. Collect Information and Recommendations
C. Evaluate The Banks’ Leadership
D. Profitability and Financial Safety and Soundness
E. Locations & Services
F. Fees, Costs & Interest
G. Confirm Federal Deposit Insurance
If you want to confirm deposits at your new bank are federally insured contact:
H. Make the Switch
I. Feel Good About Your Efforts to Come Clean
J. Build a Relationship
K. Questions and Answers?
Depending on how many banks you want to consider and whether you can access good recommendations in the normal course of living in short time, identifying and moving your bank account could take from 4-15 hours over a period of 1-4 weeks. If you team up with close friends and share the research, it can go even faster! The key to speed is to winnow the list down to the most likely candidates.
Take your time if you want to use this process to learn how money works in your community, and to build your skills in accessing and using financial information.
Step by step details can be found here
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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