How to release collective fear from your physical, mental, emotional body
Most of the fear you feel is absorbed from others
The world’s collective fear is a huge nervous-making unseen energy field
Although the world’s fear doesn’t belong to you, you’re probably open to it because it resonates with fear already within you. There is a way out of this downward emotional spiral – fear that leads to more fear. We’ll explore step-by-step techniques to help you regain your emotional balance and sanity.
The collective is your family – your town – your country – the planet’s population: all these groups are all made of individuals, which includes you. When you think of a group, remember it’s a group of individuals who have something in common – same family, town, religion, or same shared interests. You may love the group, and you may seek to help them. But if you absorb their emotional problems it won’t help them at all and it may lower your immunity and depress your mood.
Your true identity is an individual. You may associate with a group you care about but you remain an Individual. This is the critical distinction. If you forget that you are You – not a group – you may find yourself unintentionally absorbing feelings and thoughts of groups you associate with. You may unconsciously take on the group’s collective energies, such as fear.
You can release people’s group fear from your body and mind. You may be surprised to discover that only some of what you feel is your own personal fear – most of it is absorbed collective fear.
Collective fear release technique – basic level
Recognize that you are not the group – you are an Individual – take some moments to deeply sense this.
Recognize that group fear is not personally yours – boldly look at it – it doesn’t belong in your personal space.
Recognize you have the right to release something that isn’t yours from your personal space – this is your divine right as a sovereign soul.
Imagine you’re breathing the energy of your true self – your soul – directly into your body. Sense your own personal presence returning to your physical body with every breath you take.
Exhale anything that isn’t yours out of your body and mind. You don’t have to examine the specific thoughts and feelings. Trust your intuition – release other people’s stuff into its next highest expression of pure light.
This technique awakens your body and mind to an essential truth. It permits you to regain ownership of your personal space. Breathing your consciousness into your body with gentle mindful attention unites your body and mind. This helps you to heal and empower yourself.
Restore your energy
Collective fear release technique intermediate level, advanced intermediate level and informative Q&A at
Inner work
Transforming dense, low vibration, negative energy in our inner world is how one person at a time raises the collective consciousness which like a boomerang, returns a matching energy through people, events and circumstances.
The more people doing inner work, the more improvements are reflected in outer reality both personally and collectively.
This is what is meant by … as within so without. TY!
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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