I have passed that on Doreen and you should hear from her soon.

The Justice for the Vaccinated turned me right round in my views . I plaster it all over you tube as its the only' social media ' I use. Get many highlighted replies though . Look out for mssilentlightning. Peace . Ivermectin and Justice.

Thanks . All the best to you and yours.

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I have a sign I take to Town, here in New Zealand .


People who never paid any mind before are approaching me now.

A movement by doctors out of Canada . https://vaxjustice.org/the-solution/ see there about the bus. Publicity like the vaxxed team did to highlight previous vaccine injuries. https://rumble.com/v1orvqd-vancouver-outdoor-speech.html?mref=11u4ps&mrefc=2

This is what I hand them.

https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/ Please help yourselves.

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Justice for the Vaccine-Injured: Doctors Charles Hoffe, Stephen Malthouse & Cris Vleck [VIDEO] https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2022/10/justice-for-the-vaccine-injured-doctors-charles-hoffe-stephen-malthouse-cris-vleck-video/

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Thank you Sarah, and Happy New Year. I volunteer with Justice for the Vaccinated [J4V]. Are you in touch with Rose from thecontrail?

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Can be . She would love to hear from you. Can give you her email can you keep it private?

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Yes! Please! My email info@earthcentral.ca Thank you Sarah. I am grateful we stay in touch.

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