Social control
What Prof. Desmet proposes as a counteraction to covid propaganda is to be vocal and make your opposition to this new social paradigm be heard loud and clear, so suppression by the opposition doesn’t take more radical forms. 03:26 mins
Limiting belief loops
By Cube Cubis
Dec 28.22
Debate with these government agencies will not work. They are immune to it, they don’t care about your facts and figures and spread sheets. This is not how their minds work. The only thing these people understand is ridicule and power. Their minds purely work in the rhetoric. They are not driven by data; they are not aroused by the scientific method. They are driven by their “feels” and will only respond when their “feels” are threatened. This is why character assassination is the weapon of choice for the “Authoritarian Left” (the AL). This is what scares them the most.
Psychological phenomena
Essentially, if your IQ is more than 2 Standard Deviations away from the person you are having a discussion with, there is a high chance you will both walk away thinking the other is an idiot.
When dealing with someone more than 2 StDev away from you, you might as well explain your thought processes to your pet poodle. The chasm between your intellectual ability and theirs is so high you will never be able to communicate about a complex topic with them.
High IQ people see this [jab] as far too complex to take a risk on, the mid wits think they understand the “science” and that they are at the cutting edge of knowledge and the low IQ understand this is all just mumbo jumbo and should be avoided.
Dangers of someone with high IQ and no internal dialectic
Internal dialectic is where you are sitting on the toilet seat thinking about a complex issue and playing intellectual ping pong trying to figure out which side of the argument wins. Most people do not possess this skill. How many times have you spoken with someone who is obviously very smart and has a great memory, but as soon as you approach a topic even slightly controversial you get the “but but but the BBC said this”…….. Once they’ve heard from a “reliable source” that’s it, there is no going back. Why would the government lie? They are not even able to have an internal jousting match in their head to work out if their “reliable source” makes sense or not.
Brick in the wall
These people are a brick in a wall. The only people they have contact with are other bricks next to them. You are a brick far removed from their brick. They do not care what you have to say or think as you are not next to them, you do not have exposure to the truths they have exposure to. The only people they will listen to are people who have had exactly the same programming as them.
Appeal to Authority
I am sure you’ve had discussions about the statistics of “dying suddenly” and get rebutted by “you are not a professor of cardiology so you don’t know what you’re talking about”. This is just a hiding mechanism.
The cognitive dissonance of this argument is that there are 2 appeals to authority they listen to. The first is the appeal to authoritarian power, then academic power. This is why there is no point explaining to these people that such and such Nobel prize winner has done this amazingly detailed study, because the only authority higher than that is their boss. They will always come back to the narrative pushed by the person who pays their salary. This is why discussing the VAERS data is never going to work. Their boss has told them that VAERS is not accurate ( even though it was the gold standard for decades ). There is no way they will even look at it, as “my boss says it’s not accurate”.
Group think
All these people have is their reputation and standing in whatever social circles they have. They cannot express free thought even if they have the ability to think freely. They are not able to say what they are thinking even if they know what they’re forced to say is complete BS. They are not even allowed to question the “narrative”.
This is why you get a lot of “off the record” or anonymous messages from doctors etc. who tell you how bad it is. They are too scared to rock the boat, lose their income and become a pariah to their friends.
Think about these topics when you are next talking to someone who is so strung up in the safe and effective narrative they’re literally willing to boost every 2 months even if some of their friends and family had a “suddenly”. Full article at
Innate creative power
Now let’s explore the potential of our own mind/brain connection.
Each section of the brain has its purpose.
Reptilian section (1) is the instant (no discernment) ‘survival mode’ response section of the brain. It is the oldest in terms of our human evolution.
The Limbic section (2) is the section of the brain that first emerged in Mammals. It generates our feelings and emotions in regard to our current reality.
The Neo-cortex section (3) is the Neo-Mammalian section of the brain, the evolved section of higher order thinking. It has infinite abilities. It is the evolved conscious section of our brain, most in line with Source, with our Higher Self, our true unlimited potential. It generates creation, manifestation, imagination, awareness, development, logical thinking, objectivity, empathy, and most importantly: consciousness.
How Are The Mind & The Brain Different?
By Caroline Leaf, Ph.D., BSc
Mar 08.21
The mind and brain are actually two very different, but interconnected, entities. As a neuroscientist, this reality is the foundation of my life's research and work: The mind works through the brain but is separate from the brain.
The mind uses the brain, and the brain responds to the mind. The mind also changes the brain. People choose their actions—their brains do not force them to do anything. Yes, there would be no conscious experience without the brain, but experience cannot be reduced to the brain's actions.
The mind is energy, and it generates energy through thinking, feeling, and choosing. It is our aliveness, without which, the physical brain and body would be useless. That means we are our mind, and mind-in-action is how we generate energy in the brain.
Knowing your mind and brain are separate puts you in the control seat because you can learn to manage your thoughts and actions. Ultimately, it means you can choose what you build into your brain and how you choose to change what's already built in.
How to transform outer reality from within
If you compare the mind to an iceberg—the small tip above the water is the conscious mind, whereas the huge, unseen 90 percent part of the iceberg underwater represents the subconscious. Indeed, the subconscious is a very powerful part of our mind, and it is responsible for most things we do every single day in order to survive or excel. The conscious mind can directly tap the subconscious mind’s power through regular meditation: it is the only effective means to “tame” the magnificent beast that is our subconscious.
Whenever you want to accomplish something—start a positive habit or remove a negative one, ensure success in your endeavors, or change your own mood or improve your mental state— practice regular meditation to program your subconscious to do your bidding. Set aside a few minutes each day in a quiet spot, commence deep, slow breathing, and mentally state your desire, addressing your subconscious. Performing this regularly enables the subconscious to “pick up the cue” and take things from there.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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