Human inner operating system: Pineal Gland/Third Eye
Natural awakening of man: input, process, output.
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By Dr. Bruce Lipton
Stem cell biologist
Sept 2024
Science shows us that the pineal gland, located in the center of our brain, is unique. In fact, it appears early in our development and contains crystals when it is formed. These crystals may function as a “crystal radio receiver” that can tune into and translate specific environmental frequencies. The science reveals how the pineal gland may function as part of a biological system that connects us to realms of consciousness far beyond conventional physics.
This crystalline structure appears to function as a transducer—converting one form of energy into another. If so, it would serve as an anchor to the spiritual world, allowing us to “tune in” to higher vibrations all around us. This is not just ancient mysticism—it’s a reflection of modern quantum physics, “everything” is energy, vibrating at different frequencies. The pineal gland is likely our internal antenna, perfectly designed to receive and process spiritual frequencies. 14:29 mins
Gift of spiritual awakening
Feb 28.24
Modern science and ancient wisdom suggest the Pineal Gland is the interface between our personal energy field [spirit] and virtual reality human body.
Without experiencing a spiritual awakening, humans cycle through life pursuing the emptiness of money, fame, power, and respect in a futile attempt to find “happiness.”
Spiritual awakenings can be spontaneous or triggered by major life changes like trauma, life-threatening illness, car accident, divorce, war, midlife crisis and more. The unsettling and equally beautiful thing about spiritual awakenings is that they occur at the least expected times. There is no way you can plan for them. They lurch into your life and shake everything up like tornadoes. The hidden gift buried deep within them is that they occur at the precise time you need them the most. Generally speaking, the spiritual awakening process happens in conjunction with an experience known as Dark Night of the Soul.
Dark night of Soul
“The dark night of soul is a breaking away from illusions of fear and ego to shift our alignment and values to what is real and true, connection to the divine and ultimately pave the way for our life purpose and mission on Earth."
23 signs of spiritual awakening
39:20 mins
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
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