Immediate action: Threat to drugs, medical devices, biologics safety regulations in Canada
Time sensitive.
I inserted below the email I actually sent. It contains a correction. Please discard the first version. TY!
Call of duty
As governments amend Acts and Bills to bring countries fully into the virtual and digital world, abolish cash, advance the World Economic Forum reset, digital ID, wholesale sharing of our highly personal health information, and wholesale harvesting of our data in innumerable ways, we must fully cooperate with one another as well as get this information out to the world.
Agile Licensing
The Canadian government is preparing changes to how drugs, medical devices, and biologics are regulated in Canada. To influence a safe framework for drug and medical devices, please speak up by April 26, 2023 and ask others to speak up.
Lack of meaningful actions and responses could lead to increased harm for all.
The Canadian Liberal government in Nov 2020 quietly signed the World Economic Forum initiated Agile Nations Charter. Start at 01:00 min
Call to action resources
Please click this link for details and take action to express concerns as directed at the blue bar: Urgent Action Required by Apr 26.23.
Resource to customize your letter
It appears the Agile Nations Charter’s purpose is to bypass the regulatory process of products, new technologies, and pharmaceuticals entering Canada.
Write to your MP by Apr 26, 2023
Find your MP here
Send a copy of your letter to
Bruno Rodrigue, Executive Director, Office of Legislative and Regulatory Modernization, Health Products and Food Branch, Department of Health,
3000A, 11 Holland Avenue, Suite P2108, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9
My letter
From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 6:13 PM
To: Tony VanBynen MP Newmarket, Aurora
Cc: 1] Bruno Rodrigue, Executive Director, Office of Legislative and Regulatory Modernization, Health Products and Food Branch, Department of Health
2] Jean-Yves Duclos MP Minster of Health
Subject: Comment: Agile Licensing amendments to the Food and Drugs Act
Importance: High
Good governance ensures speed of science never outpaces public safety
What did the past three years reveal about governance in Canada that led to erosion of confidence in Canadian governments at all levels?
By, under, out of, and through, the absolute authority of Necessity and Emergency and other Extraordinary Measures, how did the Agile Nations Charter initiated by the World Economic Forum get signed by Canada in Nov 2020, without discussion in Parliament?
By what authority are Agile Licensing amendments being made to the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR) and/or Medical Devices Regulations (MDR)?
I request re-examination of Advanced Therapeutic Products [ATP], and all proposed regulatory changes to the Food and Drugs Act by qualified, independent, authentic health professionals and public representatives who are free from conflicts of interest.
What assurance is there that safety in Canada is a priority and that consistent, good quality control, prudent, transparent and objective safety criterion for all products and devices cannot be manipulated for political or economic gain?
In the past three years, the veils of illusion thinned to reveal harmful patterns we all allowed, and now it’s up to all of us to cooperate to bring them to correction.
In good conscience I ask you to investigate and respond.
Thank you,
Without prejudice and without recourse,
Doreen Agostino
My full address
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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