I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Self directed neuroplasticity
The ability of our brain to change structure and form new pathways through personal experiences is called neuroplasticity. Each of us can build new neurocircuits that are healthy and function optimally.
Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz
Apr 15.14
The four step mindfulness method to re-wire your brain was developed by Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, one of the world’s leading experts in neuroplasticity. Dr. Schwartz did brain CT scans on the brain and on the neurology to see that using this method actually changes the neural structure and neural firing in the brain. The four steps are:
1. Relabel [Be present, be aware, catch yourself]
2. Reframe [Two major ways to reframe]
3. Refocus [Re-wires the brain]
4. Revalue [Auto-pilot]
05:47 mins
Mar 05.21
Neuroplasticity includes two things: Neurogenesis (growth of new neurons) and synaptogenesis (new connections between neurons). You can enhance their growth through meditation, reflective self-inquiry, mindfulness, asking meaningful questions and visualization.
Neuroplasticity: How to rewire your brain
Feb 23.22
In terms of brain change, in terms of neuroplasticity, the single most important driver is your behaviour.
Without the right environment the brain won’t be able to change. Research shows that high levels of stress for long periods of time can suppress neuroplasticity. 06:08 mins https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p098v92g/neuroplasticity-how-to-rewire-your-brain
Ruling entities know the power of man’s inner process and use every means possible to suppress our awareness of it until we choose otherwise. Doreen
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is about paying attention. More centrally, it's about awareness that arises when we pay attention in a particular way. It’s about paying attention on purpose while living in the present with curiosity and interest.
Summary: You Are Not Your Brain
By shedding light on false messages generated by your brain, Schwartz and Gladding hope to help readers understand we are not bound by our brain’s programming and we can break free of these toxic webs.
Your Are Not Your Brain [PDF]
Nothing is more confusing or painful than when your brain takes over your thoughts, attacks your self-worth, questions your abilities, overpowers you with cravings, or attempts to dictate your actions. The reason is simple: Deceptive brain messages have intruded into your psyche and taken over your life. Left to its own devices, your brain can cause you to believe things that are not true and to act in any number of self destructive ways.
The more often you act in these unhealthy ways, the more you teach your brain what is simply a habit (a learned behavior) is essential to your survival. Your brain does not distinguish whether the action is beneficial or destructive; it just responds to how you behave and then generates strong impulses, thoughts, desires, cravings, and urges that compel you to perpetuate your habit, whatever it may be.
Clearly, the brain can exert a powerful grip on one’s life—but only if you let it. The good news is that you can overcome the brain’s control and rewire your brain to work for you by learning to debunk the myths it has been so successfully selling you and by choosing to act in healthy, adaptive ways. That’s the mission of this book and the cornerstone of our approach: to share our innovative, empowering method of learning how to identify and demystify deceptive brain messages, so that you develop healthy, adaptive brain circuits that enable you to live a fulfilling life free from these unwanted, unhelpful, and false intruders.
Neuroscientist explains how to re-wire your brain
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Mar 31.21
95% of who we are by the time we're 35 years old is a memorized set of behaviors, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs and perceptions that function like a computer program.
“If we want to change some aspect of our reality, we have to think, feel and act in new ways; we have to “be” different in terms of our responses to experiences. We have to create a new state of mind … we need to observe a new outcome with that new mind.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza 10:08 mins
The brain is the muscle of the MIND
Backed by research your brain is like a muscle. 04:10 mins
THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental
"The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open." — The Kybalion. http://www.kybalion.org/kybalion.php?chapter=II
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog