The Disease of Modern Medicine
By Jonathan Lewsey
About Me
Jonathan Lewsey started life as an opera singer and will always consider myself first and foremost as a musician. For four years I co directed The Mayer-Lismann Opera Centre in London. Then in 1994 I moved to Cornwall for a six month sabbatical to concentrate on writing. I published two books on the operas of Wagner and Verdi, quickly ran out of money so became Director of a bankrupt Art’s Centre. I remained at the arts centre for nearly 10 years until I myself went bankrupt. I shall always be proud of the fact the Arts Centre didn’t!
After almost losing a 4 year old daughter to cancer I commenced an intensive period of research into alternative treatments for cancer. This in turn opened a whole new way of looking at the nature of disease and more importantly the nature of health.
Health is not an absence of disease. Health is our natural birthright. But we are slowly and surely being robbed of our natural birthright by:
The air we breathe
The water we drink
The food we eat
The toxins we ingest
The stress we live under
& last but by no means least:
The pharmaceuticals we are prescribed
The thing I learned most is there is only one disease condition and that is toxaemia – an excess of toxins in the lives we are leading.
Jonathan’s website is devoted to providing access to ALL the information you require in order to give truly informed consent when required to submit to an experimental medical procedure.
Ultimate responsibility
The fact is we are ALL implicated in every act of atrocity that has ever transpired on this planet. There are no excuses. We now have an opportunity to do more than salve our consciences, to say Enough is Enough. No more. I am not cooperating any longer in a system that is responsible for wrecking the lives of millions, for perpetuating untold misery, poverty and disease, a system that is evil, that is against life.
The ogre is knocking at our own front door
It is no longer over there in Africa, over there in Syria. It is here. And suddenly we can see clearly the lies that have underpinned our so called civilisation. And it’s been a monumental shock to realise the extent to which we have deceived ourselves, to which we have been living a lie.
The task facing us now is immense. Because it entails learning to refute what appears to define us, the contracts that have bound us to operation of the society we inhabit. It entails taking responsibility, not just for ourselves, but for all of Creation, namely the entire ecosystem of which we are a part, down to the smallest microbe that supports life on this planet of which we are a part.
This doesn’t have to be an onerous thing. This is about rediscovering what we truly are before we were contracted, before we started lusting after the Ring of Power. All it entails is saying No to anything that is going to harm that ecosystem in any particular. We have to say No to masks. We have to say No to vaccines. We have to say No to social distancing. Because all these measures are immensely damaging to the ecosystem of which we are a part. Far more damaging than the carbon we release into the atmosphere.
We have been asleep. And because we have been asleep we have been co-opted by the very system we created. There can be no better illustration than the way in which the entire globes allowed itself to acquiesce to idiocy and continues to allow itself to be bludgeoned into acquiescing to idiocy.
Saying No is not going to be easy. You may find yourself unable to go to the shops, to a pub or a restaurant, you may find yourself unable to leave your house, you may even lose your job. And this is inevitably going to lead to endless moral conundrums.
What does anybody do who has to support a family and cannot do so without cooperating with tyranny? There are no easy answers. All anybody can do is what their individual conscience allows.
We got into this mess by failing to pick up the responsibility that our capacity for reflection and consciousness confers. The only hope now is for each of us to take ultimate responsibility in whatever way we can. That is responsibility for Life with a capital L. Not just our own little lives. This means every doctor and nurse, every government official, every employee of the corporations leeching off the human race, need to take responsibility for what they are cooperating in.
It is a very simple matter of not being prepared to turn a blind eye just because it is inconvenient not to.
THE DISEASE OF MODERN MEDICINE is available as a free PDF download
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