Invisible 'buyback' programs
In this, a reflective Universe, history repeats b/c most humans repeat same old beliefs and patterns.
Clever, well calculated buyback freedom programs
By Jason Christoff
Canada is now engaged in a buyback program for the firearms of its citizens who committed no crimes. This of course has been done throughout history just before democide begins. The government can never win a fair fight so they need to disarm us, starve us, bankrupt us and poison us before they come gunning for us directly.
Bill C21 Status
House of Commons passed Third Reading May 18, 2023
Senate passed First Reading May 18, 2023
When a teacher is paid to teach children in government brainwashing slave training camps (called schools) that there's more than two genders, the government is actually buying back that teacher's ethics, morality and intelligence with a pay cheque.
Doctors injecting their patients with documented poison, are inside a buyback program.
Police officers who permit government employed murders and fraudsters to keep genociding the public...are in a invisible buyback program.
The person who injected poison into themselves so they could "travel" is/was engaged in an invisible buyback program.
My right to run a business was subject to a buyback program as well. The government closed my business. (while other stores stayed open) The government paid me $2000 per month to stay home and bankrupt myself.
My rights were purchased back from me inside a clever and well calculated freedom-based buyback program. My article reviews these invisible buyback programs: [link below].
By Jason Christoff
Jan 2023
It's hard to keep up with the Canadian government's efforts to cull its own population....even as an onlooker living outside Canada. None of our world governments (including what's passing as the Canadian government) are anything but ancient ruling families, brilliantly outlined in David Whitehead's documentary called ‘Cult of the Medics’ [link below]. If you live inside the borders of Canada, it's easy to see that most Canadians are more concerned about their own personal routines of monotony, compared to any issue that may actually save their lives. Canadians are being murdered by their own government faster than in any other fake country of the world (save Australia) because Canadians have been manufactured to be the easiest human cattle to bring to the NWO/WEF/WHO slaughter house.
Something is terribly wrong with our world. Deep down you may feel it, so strap yourself in b/c it’s time to learn about one of the world’s most ancient and most powerful cults referred to as “the cult of the medics”. 45:49 min
Where to start
What's really being bought is life, liberty, family, children, private property, happiness, peace of mind, love, the right to reproduce, human potential, evolution of the human animal*, connection, and anything that allows a human to live a fully empowered independent existence that sees them happy, satisfied and thankful. The corrupt ruling families of this world are showing up to buy it all back and many people are taking this satanic deal for pennies on the dollar.
*Each of us is here now to evolve from man’s inherited lower animal nature to our higher divine nature.
When someone dies after taking an experimental vaccine (just so they can travel or get back to a job they don't even like in the first place)........a buy back was executed. A buy back with the devil himself. Your life for the devil's payment....but only the devil knows you won't ever collect on your end of the bargain...EVER.
Are you going to side with the devil and allow evil to buy back the life GOD gave you, or are you going to stand on GOD's TEAM and protect the life GOD gave you?
GOD provided everything you need in the forest and nature so you can be independent of Satan's system inside artificial environments the devil calls cities.
What's your move? Satan or GOD? If you stand with Satan he will collect his payment for living in his cities of perpetual pleasure. Satan's fee will include your life, your children and everything you own.....and payment's coming due quickly at the moment.
If you want a place to start just start with peaceful noncompliance when the devil ( government, media, religious leaders, corporations) ask you to dance to the devil's fiddle. Start there and work your way to remembering just how powerful GOD made you.
Electoral votes advance tyranny
Let’s stop pretending that voting for politicians is a solution b/c elected representatives are controlled by tyrannical globalists. Voting is consent to replace natural man via transhumanism, the end of privacy and bodily autonomy, the end of what little freedom exists, and a horrific fate for children whose minds are being stolen and soon their innocence, unless the majority of people stop this.
All political parties belong to ‘one’ big political party i.e. the International Democrat Union [IDU], implementing a world coup d’état through politicians they install world-wide.
Look at the past 3 years and ask yourself “How could it possibly be otherwise?”
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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