I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
The following is not verbatim for purpose of brevity.
Something dark is rising up through advancing technology
By Jason Christoff
Oct 21.23
Apple Corporation’s logo is the proverbial garden of Eden apple; the bite of the forbidden fruit mentioned in the bible. This bitten apple represents man's interest and exploration into the very fabric of reality (tree of knowledge). God warned that Eve, Adam and anyone not to bite from that apple. If we ignored this warning, only bad things would happen.
For people who believe in God, it's obvious what that warning was about. For people who don't believe in God, most of the problems today are a result of an immoral, unethical and dark journey into understanding the proverbial tree of knowledge. Pursuing knowledge to weaponize it against all of humanity, so an ancient evil death cult can openly parade down Mainstreet in our modern time, is really bad.
Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca etc. have been travelling down their own unique branches of this knowledge tree with their injectable mRNA technology. It does appear that Apple's entire screen line (iPhones, iPads etc.) may be part of a much bigger operation working hand in hand with what was injected into the public over the last 4 years.
This ancient group is stalking all of us from tall grasses on the urban savanna, like a hungry lion who hasn't eaten in centuries.
To understand this ancient secret society group controlling Apple and many other secret society/cabal companies, explore some videos or books listed in this article. Watch the first video to start things off on the right foot. This group is the evilest psychopathic cult in recorded history..... hiding behind most government, medicine, science, banking and media today. They've been plotting against all of humanity for a very long time, obvious if you watch some of the videos in that article.
Apple iPhone sci-fi weapon operation
This group has been surrounding us in ways that would make the average person's head spin. We start off with a YouTube video about the Apple iPhone. The iPhone is not only doing something you may not even know about, it's doing it invisibly. All of what the iPhone is doing in this video below is outside the spectrum of visible light. What that means is that when your iPhone is doing this sci-fi weapon operation, you can't see it with your naked eye.
May 19.21
It's easy to just blow it off as something inconsequential however is something else going on with this invisible flashing light? I believe we have the beginning of our answer below. Let's take a look.
Optogenetics and the Secret Worldwide Nanotech Experiment
Oct 16.24
A peer reviewed study documented 55 undeclared chemical elements detected in the Covid gene therapy technology from brands Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V. Including several toxic elements such as Aluminum, Titanium, Arsenic, Lead, and Uranium.
Researchers deduced that the Covid gene therapy technology injections are part of a secret worldwide nanotechnological experimentation program. These crimes against humanity have gone unanswered.
Optogenetics was selected as Method of the Year in 2010 by Nature Video.
Optogenetics: Using light to control the behaviour of cells
04:32 mins https://rumble.com/v5iw7a3-optogenetics-and-the-secret-worldwide-nanotech-experiment.html
Transcript https://gregreese.substack.com/p/optogenetics-and-the-secret-worldwide
Source https://www.jchristoff.com/blog/is-your-apple-iphone-a-sci-fi-weapon
What will it take to save ourselves?
Former civilizations, where the majority of people chose to detach from their divine nature, went extinct.
Will this tract of man go extinct, or through majority consent become prey for AI enslavement, loss of privacy, 24/7 mass surveillance and no freewill choice? TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
I did a lot of research from 2020 to now exploring alternative communication devices and platforms. Switched from most mainstream social media, cancelled my SIM and purchased a device using an alt operating system. Then invited my friends to at least incorporate some of it to keep in touch. Mostly free. The result was shocking. Not one would. Most are stuck on Google everything, Facebook lifeline, Instagram and TikTok while crying that everything is surveilled and contact traced….and any opportunity they get, twist my arms to bring me back to surveillance land to make their experience easier. So, life has much simplified here. Lost all connection with everyone, unless I meet them on the street in person, while they fumble with their slab. For 5 years now all freedom events have mainstreamed on Facebook. Excuses over excuses. Hostages to convenience and lazy habits.
was the rabid behavior of the BLM statue vandals in summer 2020 a test of the nanotech installed in certain individuals triggered by optogenetics or other EM wavelengths emitted by the freshly installed towers?
is the capability to control large swaths of the population remotely now functional?