Is talk of war, artificial intelligence propaganda?
Or, motivation for man to 'full on' cooperate?
Top contenders for the next big distraction
By Edward Dowd
July 25.23
Distraction 1 - Economic Collapse
“We’re predicting an economic recession in Q3, Q4, Q1 [2024]. So, that’ll probably be in the headline soon once the summer is over — we get into the fall. Everyone’s asleep. The stock market seems to be okay, but it’s really not. It’s only five stocks. So once we start to see that, that’ll be a distraction.”
Distraction 2 - War With China
“Warren Buffett, who is not a dumb guy, might have some information you and I don’t have — sold his Taiwan semiconductor stock in the first quarter.”
“Here it is,” interjected Alex Jones. “Fox Business: ‘Expert warns US over China flashing military capabilities: Ready for war.’” And so, “A lot of the big dogs are saying this is the next distraction,” Jones concluded. “That is crazy.”
Video 01:22 mins and more at source
Top Warren Buffett Stocks By Size
Buffett is known as a buy-and-hold investor, hanging on to stocks for years and even decades. But there has been major turnover lately.
Be Awake, Aware, Able
How much fear porn is actually AI propaganda to keep people cycling in fear and other self sabotaging negativity, b/c human responses magnetize a matching frequency through people, events, and circumstances.
If more people knew about a rare galactic alignment underway would they respond with less fear, optimize their health, cooperate more fully, support one another to plan ahead for projected food/water shortages, grid breakdown, controlled demolition of the global financial and economic system? Would fewer people consent to democide?
The more open our minds and hearts, the more we acknowledge evidence of harm and inform others, the more we surrounded ourselves with kindred spirits and loving support, the easier to process our fears and strengthen our resolve so we remain strong and stand together.
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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