Join parents and others to protect children and steward a moral, healthy path forward
Sept 20.23 meet up Canada and major US cities.
Like a colossal spider web everything is interconnected.
Unions organizing intimidation and assault against concerned parents
This is a set of stories investigated and exposed that link to corruption and collusion between the Feds, your tax dollars weaponized against you, and real life Communist organizations working with the government of Canada and masquerading as vulnerable minority groups.
Start with #HateGate to understand where the AntiHate Network is exposed as a Communist enforcement organization used by the Feds to enforce agendas.
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Sept 20.23 million march details
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To join a community of concerned parents, grandparents and others uniting to protect the children and steward a healthy path forward, please email and ask to get on the mailing list.
A horror, tragedy, and farce rolled into one
Democratic countries distinguish themselves from totalitarian dictatorships through alleged fair elections and allegedly putting power in the hands of the people. But what if a democratic government wants to stack the deck in their favour?
The layer of insulation that buffers democratic governments from accusations of authoritarian rule is the pretense of deferral to experts, think tanks, consultants and academics who provide perfunctory recommendations to rubber-stamp what the government plans to do in the first place. Oftentimes, the expertise is paid for by government money through military defence contracts, public safety and emergency funds, and other sources.
If the public resists any proposed policy or legislation, the state can magnanimously defer to the vast knowledge of experts who all concur in unison that, unless the bill passes, “harm” will occur. Danger. Terrorism. Destruction. And if you still do not comply, stronger measures may be required. Those who resist are vilified through state-sponsored broadcast media and social media smear campaigns—these tactics serve the dual purpose of securing the public’s acceptance, or at least acquiescence, and making examples out of dissenters in order to frighten critics into silence.
Democratic countries gain the public’s compliance with buy-ins and manufactured consent, rather than bullets. A more evolved and civil approach, to be sure. But one that carries its own risks. What happens when you run out of villains to justify an escalation to emergency measures? When you want to spook the public into acquiescence, but your well of horrors has run dry?
You make them up.
This is the story of what can go wrong when such a strategy spirals out of control, and all levels of government and media are complicit in ruining innocent lives.
True origin of Liberal funded systemic hate crimes in Canada
Understand WHY the Feds use, fund and direct the Hate agenda and portrays this to the world as Evil Canadians. You will also get your first taste of Union collusion with these diabolical groups.
Lastly, watch the #BreakingNews (I call it #UnionGate) recording of 130 of unions plotting dangerous and despicable actions of intervention against peaceful parents and protestors for the upcoming #1MillionMarch4Children
What you can do Sept 20.23
Under the Law of Grace, each of us can hold space by setting a common intention with focused attention at 11 a.m. your time for unity, peace and coherence Sept 20.23 and beyond, and ask others to do the same. TY!
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog