It is now official …
It is illegal to participate in an unapproved political protest in Canada.
Corbett Report Episode 437 excerpts. Video link below.
The freedom convoy commission has delivered the verdict: Canada has criminalized dissent! Find out about the ruling and what it means for Canadians and freedom lovers the world over on this important edition of The Corbett Report.
The Public Order Emergency Commission has concluded the federal government was "justified" in invoking the Emergencies Act to end the convoy protests that crippled the nation's capital in February 2022. David Akin explains the findings from Justice Paul Rouleau, whom else Rouleau is blaming, the recommendations he issued, and the reaction.
“The bar has been dropped” Justice Center perspective
Rob Kittredge 13:00 to 39 mins
Justice Paul S. Rouleau’s ruling sets out recommendations and findings. The ruling has no legal jurisdiction. However, it is on the record. So, will this ruling open the door to increase government power in the future b/c ‘power’ is what governments are all about; more power and more tyranny!
30:00 mins Essentially, it is hard to imagine any substantial protest movement taking place in Canada that could not meet the very, very low threshold Commissioner Rouleau set in his Report, up to and including invocation of the Emergencies Act.
Commissioner Rouleau’s Recommendations
The Five Eyes alliance is an intelligence-sharing arrangement. English-speaking countries are US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. The other Four are likely to follow Canada’s move into police states.
32:00 to 47:00 mins Recommendations include frighteningly more power, more funding, tear down anything that gets in the way of government centralized power.
Video 51:03 mins
Prisoners of a dark past or pioneers of a bright future?
Everyone has freewill to raise your awareness and self govern, or continue to advance tyrannical governments through voting and silence, which is implied consent.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Well, what an idiotic judge, eh? By disallowing peaceful protest, he is inciting anyone and everyone to be violent to him instead. Him personally. If peaceful protest is illegal, you might as well be violent instead.
MUST WATCH - Dr. Thomas Cowan explains it all