It is a choice to ignore evidence of harm, which for millennia has led to pain, suffering and loss of life or make informed, growth centric decisions. History reveals globalist’s patterns and pied pipers trained to fool well-intentioned people into collaborating with them, in an attempt to give an air of legitimacy to their agenda of advancing totalitarianism; hidden from most but not all.
An audio letter to Woke youth
Thank you, Judy.
Text of the audio letter
What you are participating in, whether you know it or not, is Western Maoism. This is what your schools and universities and influencers are miseducating you—brainwashing you—into. Western Maoism. Maoism with American characteristics. You might think that’s pretty cool because you don’t know much real history, but you need to know about where it goes because it doesn’t go well for you in the end. If your movement loses, you lose. If your movement wins, you lose. In the meantime, you lose yourselves.
Perception influences reality
Individuals interpret reality through ‘hand me down beliefs’, seldom questioned, and personal experiences. Words and their combinations, like the law, are subject to interpretation.
How do you interpret words ending in ‘ism’ like communism, fascism, totalitarianism, collectivism, Maoism and others? I interpret them as subsets of satanism.
Will humans allow a satanic world coup to succeed after which many globalist agents are replaced by satanic sentient artificial intelligence, one world police, armed drones and robots to ensure compliance with a new world order?
A Constitution for the Federation of Earth
Before viewing the new world government document and Article 1 below, how do you interpret ‘The United States Program for General and Complete disarmament in a peaceful world’ released September 1961?
Disarmament ‘always’ precedes communist takeover
Analyzes the connection between civilian disarmament and the Genocide Formula, by examining laws and historical experiences in 20th Century China, USSR, Turkey, Cambodia, Rwanda, Nazi Germany, Uganda, Guatemala, Zimbabwe and Japan. Discusses religious and moral basis of right to self-defense.
Broad functions of world government Article 1
To prevent war, secure disarmament, and resolve territorial and other disputes which endanger peace and human rights.
The above link is archived at
Here’s how I interpret Article 1
The UN one world militarized police force backed by armed drones and robots, is posed to secure and sustain the state's dominating force over world-wide disarmed populations during transition from war to forced false peace and beyond.
Secondly, a planned substitute for the war machine revealed itself over the last three years through covid, and next will be climate change, unless of course a critical mass of people wake up and do not consent.
The Awakening: Self-governance
Awakening means hundreds of millions of people questioning false narratives, being authentic, speaking the closest truth, helping one another, putting aside personal differences, being a voice for the voiceless, taking a meaningful stand against tyranny.
Every human was born equipped for this rare timeline. Courage is required to know our divine selves, which is Consciousness, the Highest Authority unbounded in form.
Being as authentic as possible, cooperating with one another, and making heart centered choices raise the collective Consciousness to which the Highest Authority and only Power responds in kind and evolves to Its next highest expression. The how is not up to us.
Right image Nancy Conant
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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