I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Military occupation of Earth
Occupation under military ‘martial rule’ is less obvious than martial law. In other words, no troops and tanks in the streets to prevent people from rising up.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Modern warfare weaponizes information and perceptions using non-kinetic military actions, "soft power" like social engineering, propaganda, cyber attacks, artificial intelligence (AI) deployed from "bots" or mechanisms acting mostly outside human control.
Western militaries in both the US and Canada are allowed to operate against civilian populations, a situation traditionally considered anathema to the democratic process. The EU, Australia and other governments instituted similar processes over the last two decades using “non-kinetic concepts” to spy on and influence people.
Those “non-kinetic concepts” have a lot in common with “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introductory Programming Manual" allegedly found by accident in 1986 in a surplus IBM copier sold for scrap parts to a Boeing employee.
5th generation warfare [5GW] is cognitive
By this we mean, actors will seek to exhort their influence through a combination of physical and virtual actions to change the way that target audiences perceive a given situation. The ultimate goal of the actor is to change attitudes, behaviour and ultimately the will of the target audience. We call this cognitive effect. We are already seeing a significant shift away from the use of lethal force as the primary tool to achieve this and towards more sophisticated combinations of physical manoeuvre, electronic and cyber warfare and a manipulation of the narrative. Only where necessary, will the use of lethal force be used.
Maxim of law: For among arms, laws are silent
Under military martial rule laws are silent hence no law enforcement to defend and/or protect the innocent. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2021-08/pope-francis-appeal-covid-19-vaccines-act-of-love.html
Maxim of law: King can do no wrong
Martial rule is the King's law because as Sovereign, the King is Head of the Armed Forces with supreme authority over the military.
The Treaty of Paris (1783) was concluded between the King of Great Britain and the United States of America. The King, operating as Arch Treasurer and Prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire, means the King works for the Vatican. https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Inter-StateDisputes/Belize-Guatemala/Treaties/ParisPeaceTreaty1783.pdf
King Charles III is King of Canada.
King Charles III is King of Australia.
King Charles III is King of commonwealth countries representing 1/3 of humanity.
Laws and customs of war
Consensus on the laws and customs of war was encompassed within legally binding international treaties during the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hague04.asp
The Lieber Code [USA] was promulgated as General Orders No. 100 by President Lincoln, 24 April 1863. Laws of war define how governments are administered under military martial rule without having to inform the people, who as the enemy, have no rights. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/lieber.asp#
Ask yourself
Are freedom defenders measuring their successes because …
This is war.
Man is the enemy.
During war people are killed.
Fighting the external world is like breaking a mirror; it has no purpose other than to reflect more negativity.
We don’t know what we don’t know so please, distribute this information for individuals to make quality choices about how to proceed in meaningful ways. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
It’s parasitic law until people figure out that the true rulers are the people, living under inalienable rights of the person, and take back their freedoms.
They can write laws all they like, one can not 'legalize' mass murder. Once humanity stops believing in their death cult rules, it's game over.