Heart breaking kill of innocent bees
Apr 16.23
Without even testing bee hives for Varrora mites, the Australian government is responsible for entities pouring petrol on hives to kill all the bees … while beekeepers weep at such atrocity. 18:56 mins
How do we live w/out bees?
We don’t!
After 3 years of tyranny with consent of the people, and no rule of law, isn’t it time to raise our awareness and cooperation?
We cannot live w/out bees and we can no longer live w/out heart centered choices b/c it’s time to become our original blueprint as individualized units of spirit evolving through physicality.
mRNA Gene therapy in the food supply 04.23
By Attorney Tom Renz
“Here is an article published in the NIH (by the U.S. government) talking about foods ‘under application’ to be genetically modified to become edible vaccines – From 2013,” he wrote. “The fact that food can be altered to act as a vaccine is not disputable.”
According to attorney Renz’s recent tweet, “lobbyists for the cattleman and pork associations in several states CONFIRMED they WILL be using mRNA vaccines in pigs and cows THIS MONTH.”
Sodom and Gomorrah: the capital of evil
World chaos is about a world age shift in 2012, yes, 2012! Remember all the media fear porn about the end of the world? Well, IT IS THE END! The end of ignoring the truth. The end of lies. The end of mind controlling people w/out their awareness. The end of crimes against humanity. The end of debt slavery. The end of child sacrifice.
The end of separation
As a great world age of 5,125 years comes to a close, a new era is advancing. During a world age shift there is a 36 year buffer when timelines are distorted, convoluted, collapsing and overlapping; 18 years before 2012, and 18 years after 2012, ending in ‘2030’.
During transition anything that happened in the last 5000 years is possible to repeat as it is now; human wickedness, child sacrifice, plagues, famines, ‘democide’, war, and other engineered atrocities.
The good news is we have technology to inform ourselves and others, to speak up, to gather and create action plans, assess outcomes, etc. online.
Outer world follows inner world so the more authentic each of us is, the more we cooperate with one another, the more we expose and challenge false narratives, the more heart centered our choices, the less atrocities and more coherence is reflected in outer world reality.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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