A simple want for acknowledgement of death and injury after the jab
Thanks Judy
Published Dec 18.22
Brave, injured people and their families gather to share their grief and suffering at a memorial service for Rory Nairn, who died as a result of the newly invented pharmaceutical, and all those who suffered injury. This peaceful event is interrupted by a large police presence, low flying helicopters and police photographers snapping images of the sick and suffering, some in wheelchairs, for “intelligence gathering purposes.”
This Christmas is the perfect time to release this documentary, so families and friends can support their injured family members, and those who see no wrong in this product can look deep inside themselves and find empathy for those whose outcome from taking this newly invented pharmaceutical was incredibly devastating to their health and caused loss of life.
Time to carry our own water
We have ‘all’ been lied to by institutions we trusted [church, state, corporate, media, medical, educational]. It is human nature to trust, however that trust has been used mercilessly against us.
Now, we the people are the solution to end the war on man. Approximately 30% of the population is already taking action in their own way, however we need them to align and reach the 40% who remain unaware so that together we take meaningful action.
The courts are controlled by the same entities perpetrating crimes against humanity. This leaves one option, which is for a critical mass of individuals to meet with their elected representatives to ‘demand’ passage of a Private Act [to follow], to obtain remedy when the government causes harm to the people. Stay tuned.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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