My Open Letter to Director General, World Health Organization
Everything to gain and nothing to lose.
South Africa: The Red List
Secret negotiations are occurring that require withdrawal of our collective consent.
The most important of these is the creation of a legally-binding relationship with the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations (UN) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) via a "Pandemic Treaty" ("the treaty"), also known as the WHO CAII: Convention, Agreement or other International Instrument.
The agreements that the government is entering into - behind our backs - could give the WHO jurisdiction and dominion over every aspect of our lives.
My email to the World Health Organization
Many thanks to James Roguski for heavy lifting that allowed me to send the following:
From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 7:21 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: Transparency: Amendments to the International Health Regulations
Attn: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director General,
World Health Organization
An agreement avails no one unless he is a party or privy to it.
External actions show the secret intentions.
By, under, out of, and through, the absolute authority of Necessity and Emergency and other Extraordinary Measures I present the following.
Necessity overcomes the law; it breaks the chains of justice.
The World Health Organization (WHO)’s mandate is to make information about its activities available to the public hence the following requests that the World Health Organization make the following available online to the public soonest possible.
A. 14 Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations submitted by the following member nations
Armenia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Czech Republic on behalf of the Member States of the European Union, Eswatini on behalf of the WHO African Region Member States, India. Indonesia, Japan, Namibia, New Zealand, Russian Federation on behalf of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union, Switzerland, United States of America, Uruguay on behalf of MERCOSUR.
It is also requested that the November 14-15, 2022 meeting of the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulation [IHR] be streamed, recorded and made available to the general public on the WHO website.
Furthermore, a request that this information be published on the web page dedicated to the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR).
B. Secrecy regarding the IHRRC
Full disclosure requires the WHO to publish the full report associated with the meeting of the IHRRC held October 24-28, 2022, and any edited version of the above 14 proposed amendments to the IHR and other documents produced by the IHRRC.
I ask that this information be published on the web page dedicated to the International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC):
C. Submissions from member nations regarding the proposed Convention, Agreement or Other International Instrument (CAII), commonly referred to as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty”
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body called for all member nations to submit proposed language by September 15, 2022 so their input could be included in the “conceptual zero draft.” As of November 1, 2022, the WHO has not disclosed these submissions to the public. Please arrange to publish this information on the web page dedicated to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB).
Absence of transparency and meaningful response
Page 6 of the “Basic Documents” of the World Health Organization, reads “Informed opinion and active co-operation on the part of the public are of the utmost importance in the improvement of the health of the people.”
Pages 98-99 of the “Basic Documents” of the World Health Organization, read “Principles: 5. WHO’s engagement with non-State actors is guided by the following overarching principles. Any engagement must: (h) be conducted on the basis of transparency, openness, inclusiveness, accountability, integrity and mutual respect.”
It appears the health of the people is being negotiated without full disclosure, and that the obligation of engagement with non-State actors is all that matters, whereas the will of the people is meaningless and therefore ignored.
By whose authority does the WHO reframe man’s ‘loss of bodily autonomy’ as “confidential” without full disclosure by the WHO and informed consent of the majority of man? ANNEX 3
Failure to honor the will of the people is failure to honor the Will of the One True Creator of All That Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be, in whose Lightness man is made. Without full disclosure by the WHO, and informed consent of the majority of the people, there is no contract, which vitiates all.
In April 2022, the WHO received 33,884 public comments regarding the proposed “Pandemic Treaty. Over 99% of the comments that were in opposition [withdrawal of consent] to the WHO’s plans to capture additional authority through a CAII [Convention, Agreement or Other International Instrument], were ignored by the WHO.
Absent from the process were public comments by which amendments to the IHR are being considered.
Full disclosure requires the WHO to immediately publish on their website documents A, B and C noted above. Please respond to this email with evidence the information requested above has been published on the WHO website.
Thank you,
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
After I sent the Open Letter, a friend suggested the following Maxims. I will keep them top of mind in the future. Feel free to use them yourself.
From a wrong no contract can arise.
False in one thing, false in all things.
It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.
Fraud and justice never dwell together.
Fraud lies hidden in general expressions.
Fraud is most hateful to law.
In default of the law, the maxim rules.
A mandate of an illegal thing is void.
Remove the foundation, the work falls.
Maxims are Principles and Authorities. In other words, the foundation of how life is meant to be except that globalists prefer doing things their way.
Thanks to another friend.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Good eye John.
I intentionally wrote 'Lightness' b/c Light is life. All life is powered by the One True Creator of All That Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be, the only Power, with potential for limitless possibilities to exist and is indestructible.
I perceive attempts are underway here to remove all cause, core, memory and record of the One True Creator, which responds 'unconditionally' to our freewill choices. This is why consent is a reality generator, not taught in educational and religious institutions b/c once this truth is known, and man tames his/her ego and emotions to allow more heart centered choices, they will be reflected in outer reality. The future is up to us.
Thanks for the opportunity to share.
Excellent Doreen. I think you meant "in whose likeness" rather than "lightness." just in case you plan to send it anywhere else. Thank you for your efforts.