Nano-dentistry: Graphene oxide in dental anesthetics
Nanoparticles' properties in dentistry.
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Scientists find graphene and nanotechnology In dental anesthetics
By Jacqueline
Jan 24.25
Every patient should be asking their dentist the question, “Is there Graphene in your dental anesthetic?” Sadly, most dentist probably haven’t a clue. And it may be up to patients to help them find out – and find a safe, workable alternative for local anesthesia.
(Graphene is a superconductor of electricity and amplifier of electromagnetism in the body. This means that it rewires electrical communication in the brain and amplifies the effects of the electromagnetic ‘Cloud’ being projected from low-orbit satellites and by 5G towers. It’s in the Covid mRNA injections. Coincidence? Not a chance.)
Today’s first microscopic examination into self-assembly technology comes courtesy of national dental provider Henry Shein, Inc. The technique used is optical phase-contrast microscopy, magnification x100-200, after 22 hour incubation period. A dentist from TX sent in ampules of anesthetics (images below) in hopes that his drugs are free from self-assembly technology.
And the answer is the same: Yep, there it is! (source)
I. Mepvacaine HCl 3%:

Dr. Len Ber (who provided the above images) says he is repeatedly asked a question whether you can get a technology-free anesthetics. ALL anesthetics that his domestic and international medical colleagues looked at contain this technology!
It was Ricardo Delgado, founder of La Quinta Columna, who first brought our attention to graphene-oxide being added to Lidocaine, a dental injectable anesthetic – Suspected presence of Graphene Oxide in injectable Lidocaine. Here is a short clip of the images in Delgado’s very shocking October 2021 presentation.
Under 3 minutes. Read the subtitles for English.
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A swarm of micro-robots can wipe out dental plaque
Apr 25, 2019
The robots' movement is directed by magnets. The researchers envision a variety of applications for the technology, from cleaning teeth to water pipes to catheters. (Video: Geelsu Hwang and Edward Steager)
Benefits of smart nanoparticles in dental applications
Mar 04.21
Dentistry in the age of nanoparticles
Oct 06.21
Advances of nanoparticles employment in dental implant applications
Dec 2022
Technique for removing graphene from local dental anesthetics
Dec 2024
Researchers from Spain have developed a technique to remove graphene from dental anesthetics... this technique is called: The Sevillano-Delgado Magneto-Thermal Depuration Technique for Removing Graphene from Local Anesthetic.
They show before and after microscopy examples here.... note the before view...these are the little monster-like synthetic microbes, they so desperately want inside every human body... they want these things inside our bodies so bad that they're secretly slipping it into dental anesthetics in order to mass inject the entire world and no one will be the wiser. 08:50 mins
I know someone in the dental business who obtained vials of dental anesthetics. I will ask if they can test validity the Sevillano-Delgado Magneto-Thermal Depuration Technique for Removing Graphene from Local Anesthetic and report back. Doreen
Another demo using magnets
All dental anesthetics now seem to have graphene oxide in them, as tested by many independent labs like by Dr David Nixons', LaQuinta Columna and others.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Do you know why it was thought necessary to incubate the samples for 22 hours before proceeding with phase-contrast microscopy? I assume that these graphene particles (being inert/non-organic), would not require any nutritional support from a growth medium. If that is not what was meant by incubation, maybe the term's usage in this context could be clarified.
In any case, it is extremely bad news if no local anesthetic agents are free of this toxic material.
Yes, diabolic for sure! I just had to have a hot tooth extracted and no way was the dentist willing to discuss ‘hocus-pocus nanotech conspiracies’. After scraping the bone and stitching, I am barely making it without painkillers 2 days later. Awed about people who say they tough it out! Canada’s parasitic dictatorship has methodically destroyed the healthcare system, especially in BC. Wait lists are endless, options are limited. Fingers crossed that EDTA, Vit C, Methylene blue chelation can deactivate, as claimed by some. This democide agenda is hideously smart.