New Brunswick: First Canadian province to advance one world tyrannical governance
Immunization Agenda 2030 leaves 'no one' behind
New Brunswick is the first Canadian province to advance the World Economic Forum’s global reset, a.k.a. the new world order.
Whether this was disclosed during the New Brunswick ‘Conservative Party’ 2020 election campaign matters not b/c once voters give their power of attorney away in polling booths, elected politicians can do whatever their globalist handlers command them to do.
The illusion of freedom is sustained through flowery language to ultimately benefit the rich at the expense of people programmed to perceive they are powerless, which is the biggest con of all b/c consent is energy; consent is a reality generator.
In other words, life is a print out of our choices. Look around. If you don’t like what you see, expand your awareness and choose from a place of higher knowing.
Brief public notice minimizes push back
Two public sessions in New Brunswick with only 10 days notice for public response.
The cost isn't cheap... $1,200 a day for one lobbyist and there are many.
Rise of the synthetic world
People are seduced and deceived into believing governments work in their best interests when in fact they do not.
01:11 mins All systems have to be brought into harmony in order to control them. The goal of Agenda 21 is one world government and total control from a central unit.
Public silence is implied consent to totalitarianism.
Canadian politicians have no legal obligation to constituents
J. WILTON LITTLECHILD M.P. v. Citizens of Canada Docket 9012000725 Dec 1990.
“I know of no legal duty on an elected representative at any level of government to consult with his constituents or determine their views.
“It is of the essence of our parliament system of government that our elected representatives should be able to perform their duties courageously and resolutely in what they consider to be the best interests of Canada, free from any worry of being called to account anywhere except in parliament.”
The politics of obedience
Many medieval writers had attacked tyranny, but La Boétie delves especially deeply into its nature, and into the nature of State rule itself. This fundamental insight was that every tyranny must necessarily be grounded upon general popular acceptance. If this were not the case, no tyranny, indeed no governmental rule could long endure.
The tyrant is but one person, and could scarcely command the obedience of another person, much less of an entire country, if most of the subjects did not grant their obedience by their own consent.
Immunization Agenda 2030
Thanks Jeannie
IA2030 envisions a world where everyone, everywhere, at every age gets the jab!
Wake up folks! The absence of bodily autonomy is slavery.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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