Thank you Judy.
Sound of Freedom - trailer
Sound of Freedom is based on the true story of Tim Ballard, a former US government agent who quit his job to devote his life to rescuing children from global sex traffickers. Please help expose trafficking of minors by distributing the film and facts worldwide.
From the Director Alejandro Monteverde:
“I believe that as a society we need to be aware of the horrors of child trafficking, and my call was to use the power of cinema to bring light and poetry and hope into that darkest corner of humanity — and to wrap it all in one man’s incredible, world-changing odyssey." 02:38 mins
Robert David Steele (July 16, 1952 – August 29, 2021)
Robert David Steely is a former CIA operations officer.
At Sean Stone's suggestion, we changed the title of the movie he is making to Satanic Empire because child trafficking and torture are a subset of the Luciferian world that controls the 1% but the book series, Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and the Deep State will remain focused on children with Satan, Sodomy, and the Deep State as context.
Based on my review of other videos, the movie is focused on this one small operation — with the best of intentions — not educating the larger public on the depth and breadth of Satanic pedophilia as we sought to do with the five book series that also is free online in full text translatable form with a tag cloud naming names.
The endeavor appears to be a limited hang- out, in that it is not taking on the raw fact that evil is pervasive and present in every organization at every location in the world. It is unlikely this new movie, as worthy as it might be, covers the ground I covered in the following formal review. Video 15:45 mins
Best kept secret
Human trafficking, pedophilia, 'Satanic' politics... The Jeffrey Epstein scandal was the tip of the iceberg as Sean Stone, former host of Buzzsaw, lays out the hidden agenda of the dark elite in this six-part documentary series… “Best Kept Secret”. Trailer and more.
"Children must have sexual partners"
- say the UN and WHO
The World Health Organization launched another major assault on humanity, with their sexuality education curriculum being pushed in schools worldwide. Education authorities are being instructed to aggressively sexualize even the youngest of children, by teaching toddlers to masturbate, pushing them towards homosexual relationships, indoctrinating our defenseless little ones with devastating transgender madness, and encouraging children to use online pornography.
Paraphrased summary of the official guidelines issued by the World Health Organization and the United Nations to educational authorities worldwide:
"Little children are sexual beings who must have sexual partners and begin with sex as soon as possible. For this reason, kindergartens and elementary schools must teach children to develop lust and sexual desire, learn masturbation, build same-sex relationships, use online pornography, and learn different sexual techniques such as oral sex."
Graveness of this situation: the United Nations' "International Technical Guidance on Sexual Education" is part of the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. In this report, we take a closer look at how this agenda is being implemented in The Netherlands, which is at the heart of this worldwide agenda to sexualize little children.
What happens there will spread worldwide: in the USA, Canada, Australia, the UK, Africa, Asia, everywhere.
The next wave of terror unleashed on humanity
Along with the UN and WHO, the International Committee of Justices has issued documents to all judges worldwide, calling for the legalization of sexual conduct between adults and children.
After the unspeakable terror unleashed by the WHO during the pandemic, this assault is their next wave of terrorism unleashed upon a mostly ignorant humanity, set to fall into a depth of sexual depravity and devastation our world has never seen before.
The destruction this will cause in society is beyond comprehension, as not only will every child will grow up being a vulnerable victim for every predator, but many are being mentally prepared to be predators themselves.
From chaos to coherence
World chaos reflects man’s low vibratory frequency choices as follows: untamed ego, negativity, unresolved conflict between people, conflict in families, the workplace, violent music-video games- movies, judging one another, fear, anger, hate, apathy, etc.
Are you willing to be 100% authentic, 100% your word?
Are you willing to re-evaluate your beliefs, many of which thwart your potential?
Are you willing to stop judging others b/c everyone reaps what they sow; and unless we own what we sowed, we reap drama.
Are you willing to acknowledge evil child predators, ritual child sacrifice, trafficking of minors, sexual abuse, torture, and unconscionable destruction of natural children made in the image of their Creator?
Acknowledging evil begins the healing process. So does asking forgiveness for the part we played in allowing evil to prevail.
Outer world follows inner world.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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