Withdraw consent to harm
I created this post after Patricia shared her ‘Cease and Desist’ letter to the president of a university, where her son was injected with experimental m-RNA gene therapy technology.
If your loved one was coerced to be injected with covid 19 experimental m-RNA gene therapy technology, you can place covid-19 policy decision makers on Notice now, even if there is no evidence of harm.
If you are a concerned grandparent, relative and or/friend of someone who was coerced to take the jab, consult with the parents and/or guardians to obtain permission [in writing] before taking any action.
From Patricia
As a Court Reporter and Clerk in courts in southern Ontario, I observed many lawyers and recorded trials and hearings in Family Law as well as criminal and Small Claims' Courts.
My son and his small family are precious to me. I was devastated when he told me that he had taken the covid 19 shots, which I see as a bioweapon genetic modification - so-called Covid 19 vaccines. I know he has great respect for the University of Western Ontario [UWO] and still keeps in touch with a favourite professor there. There’s no rhyme or reason for me as to what he did, but I know he is very influenced by his alma mater.
I refuse to be victimized via UWO by losing part of my world, my son, so I issued a Notice to Cease & Desist to the president of UWO citing that if my son is injured or dies as a result of the shots, I will see him in court.
If you send a Cease and Desist letter, keep your records in a safe place. There’s no reason this should cost money. If you do go to court and represent yourself, you would be offered Duty Counsel (no charge). My advice is that no one knows the case better than you so it’s best to do it yourself. A good judge will help you through the process objectively.
There are costs to file a motion to be heard, but the cost isn’t outrageous, particularly when it comes to restitution and reparations for you and your family.
Unmistakably evident = franked
Mail yourself a copy of the Notice to Cease and Desist letter you sent, and retain a sealed copy of it in an envelope with a stamp that has been franked. This is equivalent to retaining the receipt of registered mail and is recognized in a court of law in Canada.
What is a Cease and Desist letter?
A cease and desist letter is a communication someone sends to an individual or company to stop performing a specific action and to not do the action ever again. “Cease” means stop. “Desist” means don’t do it again.
A Cease and Desist letter usually includes threat of a lawsuit or injunction if the recipient fails to comply with the demand. What to include in a Cease and Desist letter and other instructions available at https://duttonlaw.ca/cease-and-desist-letter/
Put covid-19 policy decision makers on ‘Notice’
If covid-19 policies at a post secondary or other institution resulted in coercing someone you love into receiving experimental m-RNA gene therapy injections, you can send a Cease and Desist letter to each covid-19 policy decision maker. In fact, your letter may enlighten one or more of them.
I would send it registered mail so there is proof of delivery, and follow up with an email. Request a delivery receipt and read receipt in the email. Take from the following what serves you best:
No record found
SARS-CoV 2 was never isolated using KOCH’s Postulates, a central tenant of evidence-based medicine, without which there is no proof covid-19 exists.
As of September 11, 2022: 211 institutions and offices in over 35 countries have responded thus far, as well as some “SARS-CoV-2 isolation” study authors, and none have provided or cited any record describing actual “SARS-CoV-2” isolation, purification. All responses are available at https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/
Pfizer’s Post-Authorization of Adverse Event Report
Pfizer’s own report proves covid-19 experimental m-RNA gene therapy injections should have ended Feb 28.21 or sooner.
Fully referenced supporting documentation
Evidence Package
Media press release
The following press release was emailed to 1,638 Canadian media outlets. It contains open letters to 8 Ontario post-secondary institutions including Appendix A and Appendix B above.
The more people sending Cease and Desist letters to perpetrators of harm, the more consent is withdrawn, which in the aggregate creates potential for change in a good way.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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