Organ donor program; the new 'pretend' death is not true death
Is organ harvesting a gift or theft of life?
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Profit links organ shortages to organ harvesting to brain death fallacy to flooding the streets with drugs
Oct 24.24
Dr. Byrne’s jaw dropping discussion with one of the founders of Neonatal/Perinatal medicine. 05:04 mins
Source w/thanks
Horrifying Facts About Organ Harvesting Procedures and U.S. Laws
By Stillness in the Storm
Feb 18.19
Prior to 1968 a person was declared dead only after their breathing and heart stopped for a determinate period of time. The current terminology “Brain Death” was unheard of. When surgeons realized they had the capability of taking organs from one seemingly “close to death” person and implanting them into another person to keep the recipient alive longer, a “Pandora’s Box” was opened.
Through trial and error they discovered it was not possible to perform this “miraculous” surgery with organs taken from someone truly dead – even if the donor was without circulation for merely a few minutes – because organ damage occurs within a very brief time after circulation stops.
To justify their experimental procedures it was necessary for them to come up with a solution which is how the term “Brain Death” was contrived.
Flawed criterion
To verify the determination of “brain death” they developed more than 30 different sets of criteria to declare “brain death” (DBD) published from 1968–1978. Every new set was less strict than previous sets — now there are many more. Dear reader, those criteria are flawed.
Recently we read and heard about the young man in Oklahoma declared “brain dead,” but his cousin, a nurse, recognized response during the 4 hours of preparation to take his organs. The transplant was not done.
This young man is living proof that “brain death” is not true death. If his organs had been taken, he would have been killed.
He even attested to being able to hear and understand what was taking place but was unable to speak in his own defense as a result of his brain injury. Most frighteningly, he could not cry out “STOP!” when it came to the harvesting of his own organs.
Let’s review
Ruling entities causing havoc today descended from ancient bloodlines that intently studied nature to mimic its divine perfection, studied man’s inherent caring nature, and studied the constellations to masterfully manipulate, control and ultimately own this planet, everyone and everything on it.
Tip of the iceberg
If you can see how man’s inherent caring nature is preyed upon and how propaganda and stealth marketing are used to get people to donate their organs w/out disclosing the fact you don’t need to be dead before they will harvest your organs, what else are you not seeing?
How willing are you to share this information for others to open their mind to save themselves and loved ones?
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog