Plandemic 3 The Great Awakening [full unedited movie]
Third installment of the Plandemic series.
* June 14.23 new link From the red carpet.
How did so many people not see this coming?
This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what's really happening that can benefit everyone b/c the Great Awakening is a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm to a brighter future.
From the red carpet
Emergency Powers: the road to hell and tyranny
Emergency powers were used by governments world-wide to engage in power grabs justified by an alleged corona virus crisis that countries and groups actively simulated beforehand. Every nation claimed a covid-19 case as an excuse to grab emergency powers by claiming they are doing it for the sake of health, safety and security, the typical catch cry of tyrants.
No other system of governance provides as much opportunity for external control of nations and mass deception of populations as does a multi-party electoral system.
Four steps to change a population’s perception of reality
1985 interview with Yuri Bezmenov former KGB
1. Demoralization Can take 15-30 years.
2. Destabilization Can take 2-5 years.
3. Crisis Can take up to 6 weeks.
4. Normalization Can take up to two decades to complete.
08:47 mins
The key to ‘Ideological subversion’ is to change perception of reality using subliminal brainwashing techniques over an extended period of time. People act on their perceptions of reality, regardless if it is correct or fallacious. They are not so much concerned with facts as they are in perspectives and self interests. By controlling the perceptions of people, they become more prone to make erroneous conclusions thereby simplifying the manipulation of the masses. The objective is to program people into dismissing true facts as fallacious even in spite of the obvious.
Re-humanization vs dehumanization
Individuals can respond to the truth with rage or cooperate to influence a course correction that requires courage to transform beliefs that block creativity and meaningful solutions.
When you choose high vibrational states of authenticity, cooperation, love in action, you are both physical and non-physical encapsulated into one experience. You feel lighter b/c the part of you that occupies your body, consciousness, is less chemistry more frequency subject to the non-physical rule set and manifestation. The placebo effect and spontaneous remission prove it is so.
When you are fearful, inauthentic, negative, stressed, judgmental, etc., you subject yourself to the physical world rule set, the laws of gravity and feel heavy or down, which magnetizes people, events, and circumstances that reflect your dense, low vibrational state and block manifestation b/c outer world follows inner world.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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