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Multi-generational crime syndicate
In the video below Max Lowen, a psychotherapist and survivor of satanic ritual abuse interviews Jason Christoff a mind control researcher and expert. Jason emphasizes this interview isn't for the faint of heart, it is for people who want to know what's behind all the death and darkness in society today.
Explaining mind control
An ancient multi-generational satanic cult that has ruled this planet for millennia continues ritual abuse to this day. A satanic ritual abuse [SRA] survivor Max Lowen knows and experienced it first-hand.
The truth is in plain sight however few people are able to see it as follows:
15:00 mins Jason Christoff [JC]: What many humans find acceptable such as circumcision, abortion and vaccines are aspects of ritual abuse. These rituals are labelled differently b/c satanic cultists planned it that way. Only cultists would reframe child sacrifice [abortion] as female freedom.
The truth can make a lot of people feel so uncomfortable they don’t want any part of it however in reality, every human is already a part of it.
19:45 mins If you research Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania there is an effigy of a bull known as the Winged Ox of St. Luke. It is a metal bull raised on a pillar quite high in the center of a courtyard. The bull has a triangle cut out of its side.
The winged Ox of St. Luke is symbolic of Ba’al in ancient times, a metal bull with an open furnace in its stomach where children are place as sacrifice to this satanic deity.
24:00 mins If each of us can be courageous enough to bring the ancient past into the present we can figure out quickly how to create a brighter future.
Max Lowen [ML]: This pedophile satanic cult has infiltrated every institution globally and/or created it, which they put in plain sight. It’s brainwashing that prevents humans from seeing what is in front of them like the metal bull mentioned above. Another example is the ritual of communion in the Catholic church where parishioners ‘eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus’. That is satanic ritual that Max Lowen personally witnessed and experienced in sub-terranean levels of the Vatican where children are brutalized and sacrificed.
Parasitic cultists
These parasites siphon energy from humans; it’s called loosh. They NEED the energy of consent, from man created in the image of the Highest Authority, to create this hell on Earth reality. To get man to create/accept such horrors they use trauma based mind control to create the frequency of fear and negativity to project reality.
Cultists reveal a lot in movies, so watch movies. Examples: The Matrix, The Simpsons. Symbols, the truth, and their agenda are out there. To break free, we need to learn how our brain and nervous system work and how they are manipulated to keep us enslaved.
Poison control
30:50 mins JC: At the foundation of mind control there is trauma and also use of poisons, which is a huge part of the bag of tricks this group is famous for.
Chris Evered wrote a book about this group. Any attack on the nervous system that disrupts proper brain function pollutes the body. When the body is polluted it goes through a neurological shift beneficial for mind controllers.
Here is the key
The whole purpose of poison and mind control is that if you weaken the body proper, although you may not look different, there is a subconscious mind like an invisible nervous system making survival based calculations for us on a second to second basis. Such decisions are automatic like your hair growing, your heart beating, a cut healing, a menstrual cycle over which you have no control. When you are poisoned there are mini calculations going on inside the body proper and then the body decides at a certain point okay, you are too poisoned to go against the crowd or to go against someone more powerful, and if your body makes that calculation b/c you are poisoned, doing it out of love and protection not b/c of malfunction it throws a switch, which makes you compliant and so much more.
53:00 mins JC: Present day chaos was all preplanned. Movies are not there to entertain you, they are there to entrain you, to program you b/c this is how dormant programming works.
1:08:50 mins JC All mind control programs rely on weakness. The weaker a person is the more they will give a yes when they should give a no. The only solution is full spectrum strength individually and collectively. Guilt and shame destroy strength in the human body.
1:13:50 JC To change your life requires fuel. Start with your health. Through healthy living principles personal power returns to you and is drained from cultists. https://binkylarue.substack.com/p/planet-mind-control-explaining-mind
Shadow work
By Max Lowen
Shadow or inner work consists of healing and integrating our traumas, subconscious programming and shadow parts to rise above our limitations and become united with our higher selves.
Life on this planet has been inverted, distorted and poisoned by dark forces and none of us emerges into adulthood without wounds. We are unable to reach our highest potential or be free internally until we see all of ourselves, healed the broken parts, forgiven ourselves and integrated all of our parts into a coherent whole.
Making the choice to do our inner/shadow work is a necessary step to inner freedom, to our true power and abilities and to creating a new way forward collectively. We cannot clean up the outer “garbage” on our planet until we clean up our inner world. Go deeper at https://maxlowen.substack.com/p/what-is-shadow-work
Humans by nature are compassionate, trusting and caring beings
However most humans today are unable to see through the propaganda and stealth deception b/c an ancient multi-generational satanic cult that has ruled this planet for millennia has brainwashed our species. This cult studied man's abilities, they studied the constellations and they studied nature, to skillfully finesse humans into serving their dark agendas through ‘consent’.
Internet provided the means for many humans to recover, to awaken within this dark construct and cooperate to try and help our fellow man realize this planet has been captured. This includes politicians elected by consent of the people to rule them.
Earth is a freewill zone where dark entities ‘must’ inform the people in advance of their dark agendas so humans can rebut; public silence is tacit or implied consent. Consequently, rulers became masters at manufacturing consent where humans consent to something without ever realizing they consented. The covid era proved this fact. https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100132197
There are no rules about how to inform the people often communicated through symbols, entertainment, telling the truth then discrediting the information and/or messenger.
Part 1 Multilateral/Multipolar NWO will seem like heaven … at first
Updated Jan 31.25 See Mark Carney https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/multilateralmultipolar-new-world
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog