Might attempts to defend our lives trigger martial law?
Collaboration and cooperation offer broader perspectives.
Police on Guard News Release
Police on Guard is extremely concerned with the content of Marcus Ray’s talks and action he’s claiming to take in the next few weeks.
Police on Guard would caution Canadians in joining any organization that does not support peaceful resolutions towards any level of government.
We together with Veterans for Freedom and Canada Marches ask that all Canadians become engaged in a democratic manner so that we can restore our charter together and above all in a peaceful manner. Read more at
A higher path
The rare and natural world age shift Earth is passing through includes a period of purification, when systems that serve few at the expense of many are revealed for man to shed like a snake sheds its skin, providing opportunity for new growth in each of us.
We are here to expand our awareness, heal inner emotional wounds [dense energy blocking our potential], and make heart centered choices that raise our consciousness, which like a boomerang returns a matching energy through people, events, and circumstances. To be continued. TY!
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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