Post covid authoritarian world government or not, is ours to choose
Rule of law or rule by law?
No transportation = no escape
Druthers News
May 2023
The World Economic Forum has demanded that world governments begin to phase out car ownership with a view to completely banning cars for everyone in the future except people with exceptional social credit scores. And when you read between the lines regarding what they mean by that, they are clearly referring to themselves, the elite, as the only people who will be allowed to operate cars in the future.
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Facial recognition psyop
Below is a resource to inform your neighbors, and/or ask them to attend local council meetings to outlaw facial recognition and other harmful technology.
British Columbia, Canada
May 01.23
We reject any and all facial recognition hardware and software to be implemented within North Cowichan Boundaries, as well as a moratorium on any further cameras in neigbourhoods. Excerpts:
The Signatories attached request a bylaw be adopted that includes the words, or an appropriate variation of:
Facial Recognition software is outlawed in the North Cowichan boundaries.
No public or private entities shall install hardware on any public roadways, parks, schools, or publicly funded parks containing facial recognition abilities.
All software that works with facial recognition hardware is rejected from all municipal locations such as the municipal hall, and municipal worker’s phones.
No provincially funded or provincially subsidized company, such as B.C. Hydro, be given the authorization to install facial recognition on the infrastructure they maintain; i.e. street lights.
Council will not accept Provincial or Federal grants that include facial recognition software or hardware installation included in the wording or in the caveat to accept the grant.
Any and all hardware that may use other verbiage such as “ license plate scanners” be outlawed on public infrastructure.
Reject any contract to place camera hardware, air pollution, or noise indication hardware onto the LED streetlights.
Tree Damage Caused by Radiofrequency Radiation ‘authorized’ by climate hoaxsters
Exemplary Observations from 2005 to 2021 in Germany.
By Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam
Tree observations between 2005 and 2021 in Germany indicate a causal link between radiofrequency radiation exposure and tree damage. In the vicinity of all mobile phone base stations we visited, we found RF radiation-related tree damage. See here.
Camouflage techniques
By Kurt Kohlstedt
With the rise of mobile phones in the 1980s came ever more cellular network towers, and, not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) criticisms from nearby residents who saw them as eyesores. Thus, an array of camouflage techniques emerged. Towers were hidden inside church steeples, coupled with water towers, disguised as flagpoles and otherwise made to stand out less in their environments. In the early 1990s, a new idea took root and towers designed to look like trees began to crop up.
Expanding awareness
The greatest form of mind control is suppression of the sense of what is possible.
I propose the greatest opportunity everyone now has is to open our minds to a shifting reality, to acknowledge and accept that man has been betrayed by church, state, corporations, media, and often one another.
We can only change ourselves
How many are willing to get your ego in check, be authentic, and start cooperating 100% with others to preserve our species, save the children from demented predators, and stop trans-humanization of natural man b/c our fate appears bleak unless …
We wake up from this brainwashed state of induced spiritual blindness and return to the Giver of all life who can empower and guide us to deliver humanity from the forces of darkness.
This has nothing to do with ‘religion’. This is as basic to our existence as 1+1=2.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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