Moms for America
Child grooming and abuse is more prevalent during school holidays than any other time of year, due to a decrease in adult supervision and increase in both unstructured time and social events with family and community.
Learn the kind of conversations you can have now with your children to help them protect themselves, as well as clues that indicate whether or not your child may be experiencing abuse and who may be the unlikely abuser.
Special guest Nadine Ness
Nadine lives in Saskatchewan, Canada and is former Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Learn more
Let kids be kids | New Zealand
Defend and protect the innocent
Today, children are extremely vulnerable to predators, pedophiles and psychopaths.
Please take time to learn more and find ways to defend the children and preserve their innocence. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog