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State of captivity
Meredith Miller is a holistic coach, author and speaker helping people self-heal after narcissistic abuse/toxic relationships. The video below provides insight into lockstep techniques being used world-wide that mirror a state of captivity.
Invisible, psychological abuse
Sept 02.23
What occurs in abusive relationships is what’s occurring in the world today. The goal of the abuse cycle is for the target [abused] to comply and maintain extraordinary loyalty to the abuser [psychopaths] while remaining in the abuse system.
2020 was about getting majority compliance
It started with shelter in place, social distancing, escalated into masks and testing, then in 2021 injections. Abuse is escalating gradually and deceptively toward digital ID, endless booster jabs, abolishing cash, 15 minute open air prisons, and worse unless the majority of people do not consent.
4 stages of the trauma bond a.k.a. captivity and Stockholm Syndrome
Captivity is an ‘inner state’ that is psychological, neurological and spiritual. Meredith describes each in detail. Excerpts follow.
PDF link and video to Meredith’s slides at the end.
Resulted in endless stress on our body and relationships, psychological torture, elder abuse, mind control, smearing/silencing counter narratives to covid propaganda, and deep wounds carried into future generations unless individuals heal them.
Act of ‘perceived’ kindness
The sweet/mean cycle is repetitive. It goes back and forth between chaos and calm and every time it repeats it escalates. The abuser’s tolerance escalates. In other words, what the abuser needs to get the same kick becomes greater, implying what’s next is likely to be more intense than the covid era.
The key is word is ‘perceived’ b/c it does not matter if it is real or false kindness. The abuser uses flattery as their ‘hook’ to get the target to relax their guard enough to trust the perpetrator.
Acts of kindness induce cognitive dissonance, a survival mechanism built into the human brain and nervous system when trying to hold conflicting beliefs. Example: This is the love of my life but I don’t like how I am treated.
The brain unable to hold stressful conflict, almost like a short circuit, goes into denial and defensiveness, which explains why people cycle in denial and ignore the truth. The result of intermittent reinforcement can become an obsession with the target to comply to get a reward.
Examples were covid lock down followed by loosening restrictions and free vaccines. Unemployment benefits, stimulus money to close businesses, incentives to get the jab. This is for your protection, we want to keep you safe, it’s safe and effective, weaving truth here and there to project false hope.
‘Perceived’ threat
Information projected since 2020 is endless fear. When our nervous system perceives a threat, real or not, we cannot stay in that state for long b/c in that state we are dying; our bodies are shutting down. Innate wisdom in our nervous system adapts by disassociating, we zone out. Repetitive threats close people off to new information. Metabolic shutdown is reflected in excess weight and decreased immunity.
Fear is the currency of control
Fear locks individuals out of higher states of consciousness i.e. access to creativity, insight, imagination, intuition, self-empowerment, courage, and critical thinking. To release fear frozen in our body requires movement. Something like taking a brisk walk to retrain our nervous system.
‘Perceived’ inability to escape
Did you hear people say “I just want to get it over with so I got the vax”. The goal is for the target to develop dependency, to believe they can’t survive w/out the perpetrator/government providing safety and protection or financial assistance, a state of learned helplessness. The result is debilitating, dependency and powerlessness. If you find yourself in a state of I can’t recognize you are in a state of learned helplessness.
Where there appears to be no escape people turn to escapism tendencies like addiction, fantasy, alcohol, porn. The more extreme is self harm and suicide.
Abusers also use ‘goal post moving’ like 2 weeks to flatten the curve that never ended, and ‘It’s just 2 doses’ w/out disclosing endless boosters.
If you feel hopeless ask yourself what really matters to you. Find something beyond just you, like children, grandchildren, your life purpose to get you off the floor and out of a learned state of helplessness. Give some thought now b/c when our brain is locked into fear it is hard to think clearly.
Spiritual bankruptcy
The final result of captivity is spiritual bankruptcy when all that is left is emptiness and self destruction. Trauma installs a spiritual parasite in our brain and nervous system that tells you to destroy yourself, to drink, eat, commit suicide in extreme examples. This state needs to be transformed to heal the trauma otherwise thoughts of self sabotage and self destruction linger.
Devastating long-term impact of compliance
Ongoing compliance with abuse leads to more traumatization and tyranny. Any short term abatement leads to long term problems and worse tyranny. Our whole identity gets lost to the abusive situation.
The world has been conditioned since 2020 and the majority of people perceive a sense of normal. If they bombard us with enough fear, and it has to truly be intense fear, woven with perceived acts of kindness, people will go right back into it b/c they have been groomed and programmed for this state of captivity.
Liberation myth
There is no one coming to save us. Every captive has some fantasy of a savior. There are no white hats, no politicians, no aliens, not even God coming to save us. We are here to save ourselves. This requires cooperation and action to end the abuse. People forgot they have freewill choice. People were not physically forced, they were coerced to take the jab. Coercion is the covert form of abuse. It is subtle, sophisticated, disguised as good. When presented with a double bind i.e. take the jab or lose your job there is another choice ‘opt out’.
What’s the way out of captivity
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Do not consent to abuse, opt out as much as possible.
Set boundaries with abusers and the ones enforcing abuse by proxy.
Avoid guilt tripping children into compliance.
Face the truth over and over to resolve inner conflict and dissolve cognitive dissonance. Speak the truth to find authentic allies. Use discernment. Does what they say match what they do?
Create parallel systems in all sectors of society. We need authentic ways to support ourselves, to educate, optimize health and well being, produce enough food, etc.
Re-build self-worth, the foundation of self-recovery. Identify your values. What matters most to you? From there create standards and boundaries to protect them. Every time you set a new boundary self worth rises.
Your standards are a yes and your boundaries are a no.
Our choices are creating our legacy. Ask yourself “What is the legacy I want to leave in this world?”
PDF of slide presentation + Q&A
Video presentation
Meredith Miller https://www.innerintegration.com
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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