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At the local level residents have lost control
By Shelagh McFarlane
Guelph, Ontario
Partial transcript of information vital to know and act on locally.
You elect local representatives to be your direct trustee, your direct public servant, your direct public official. It’s a covenant you make with your elected mayor and councillors who have been asked to serve two masters. They are in a high personal liability situation b/c their signatures are doing a lot of damage.
Put mayors and councillors on notice to call out what is happening
One of the things getting us into trouble is the world municipality. Nobody knows what it means. Let me explain.
By-law means half, part, partial, the color of law, it is not law. It indicates corporate law. First, go to ‘Definitions’ to find out who the By-law applies to before locking yourself into something that does not apply to you.
What is a municipality? If you go to the Municipal Act, Municipality is defined 5 different ways and boils down to 2 definitions. 1] It can be the geographical area or 2] It can be the Municipal Corporation. You have to learn how to read these things. Reading the By-law is like playing Waldo. Once you find Waldo you can see it in every document.
In this By-law, Municipality means the Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes. All of this By-lay applies to the Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes. This is a private, corporate policy.
Needles in your arm
During covid they were able to put needles in your arm using city by-laws, and it took the signatures of only 2 men, your mayor and CAO or Chief Administrative Officer of the City Corporation. The CAO works for the City Municipality. He’s hired by the Municipality. He’s unelected, un-appointed, and he does not work for you.
They created public private partnerships that are masquerading as our governments. They merged our elected representatives with a non-government organization and created public private partnerships. This creates an international entity under the United Nations. Our mayors are signing international documents when they go into office and have no authority to do so. Everything is being done through corporate contracts and they have no authority to do so.
People are approaching public officials when we have no public officials. Our public office was never invoked, which is why we have no public input b/c we have no public office and we have no public officials in a public private partnership. How did that happen?
Shelagh ran for mayor to specifically find out what would happen if she was elected but Shelagh refused to sign the Municipal Act Oath, which they get your mayor and councillors to sign. Immediately after they are elected the clerk issues them the Municipal Act Declaration of Office.
09:26 mins Why are they delivering a Municipal Act Declaration of Office instead of a Public Oath, an Oath of Office, an Oath of Allegiance? The Municipal Act has basically re-written our laws to structure our governments. They swear in your mayor and councillors immediately as officers of the City Municipality and joining in that they can create the public private partnership as a Head of Council.
When you are in city council chambers you are in a United Nations field office. That’s international jurisdiction in there, which is why your mayor and councillors can’t hear you. If you look, the CAO will be sitting next to the mayor i.e. equal power. In Canada we have 3 constitutional layers = federal, provincial, local.
The Prime Minister heads the federal level. The Premier heads the provincial level. The mayor heads the local level. He is the highest authority if properly sworn in. He is the highest authority judicially, fiduciarily, legislatively and politically but they don’t let him swear into office.
We are going to present to all elected local officials information that explains they are sitting in 3 legal capacities in that chamber. They are sitting as a public official never sworn into office. They’re sitting as a city employee the people never gave them the authority to do, and they’re sitting as a member of the Council of the Whole i.e. the UN public private partnership. We are going to ask them to pick one. Are you public, private or international?
Shelagh strongly recommends mayors and councillors from each ward meet in a town hall with the people. Shelagh will meet with you to present the information. Sheila’s document explains how this was implemented from 1992. It covers what is de facto government and what is de jure government. De facto government is defined as ‘it is accepted as fact but it is unauthorized and illegitimate. It’s installed. It’s founded in deceit and fraud and is without lawful title.
Public private partnerships overturn rightful government and install one of their own.
Educate mayors and councillors
Former undersecretary general of the United Nations Elizabeth Dowdeswell was Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor who resigned in 2023. Dowdeswell came to Canada to set up sub national levels of the UN member state. Your local ones are the city state they are trying to turn into 15 minute cities. Your mayor and councillor signatures are tying you to the UN. They may not know they are doing this. The ones that do, I believe John Tory knew exactly what he was doing, which is why he resigned. He was caught.
What’s great is that it’s all being done under contract law and if there is fraud it is nullified. Fraud vitiates all. If your mayor and councillors did not have any authority behind their signature, anything they signed or agreed to including by-laws are null and void.
Stop the money flow
Where we are now, number one, is we need to stop the bleeding, stop the money flow. The bleeding is happening at the local level and your city hall. Your mayor transferred your sovereign governing powers locally, your fiduciary controls, your trust accounts and your geographical jurisdiction and he’s given them over to the UN global governing system we will operate as a public private partnership instead of a government office, and we’ll get paid a lot of money.
This is 30 years of secret mayor meetings since 1992. All the money is going to cities and municipalities and they fudged everything. Number one, they control and manipulate your local election. Read the Municipal Act. The words mayor and councillor are not even in it yet they are sent there to take their oath.
Read the Municipal Elections Act
Your clerk who is unelected, is trained in this global agenda like the CAO is trained to bring it to you and administrate you. You are being administrated, you are not being governed and you are not being listened to.
They have two roles that can look very convincing, Satan always can. They have a lot of money behind them, the World Economic Forum and the World Bank. They really have only two jobs 1] come here to control the local election so they administrate all of it. Secondly, they don’t disclose there is a possibility of taking two oaths.
Restore local government
19:20 mins You need to restore local government b/c you are your local government. You create it. They hold public assets, public trust accounts, they hold that in another level of law. They hold that in trust law, common law. They have the ability to act legally, they hold that authority commercially over the Municipal Corporation so they can do business for you, they can fix the roads and handle all the money but they keep you in a trust. They are to protect that legal person so you are not being pilfered by foreign de facto possessions.
Basically we have de facto possession of our sovereign governing powers, which in Criminal Code Section 15, even if we’re not recognizing de jure law, specifically says you have a duty to disobey if there is de facto possession.
Criminal Code Canada
Obedience to de facto law
15 No person shall be convicted of an offence in respect of an act or omission in obedience to the laws for the time being made and enforced by persons in de facto possession of the sovereign power in and over the place where the act or omission occurs.
Emergency declaration
In March 2020, all mayors were ordered by the UN to sign a local emergency declaration form. They got the mayors to sign in all 3 capacities public, private and international.
Our strength is in numbers
Thankfully, Canadians are speaking up in council chambers and beyond. We have a platform to notify volunteers of meaningful gatherings and deputations to local council. First, we need volunteer contact information in the following link. Please consider volunteering to support people and events in your area and share the opportunity with others. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog