Pure human, what is Soul? Part II of III
Will this tract of man 'consent' to be the last generation of PURE HUMANS?
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What is Soul?
Understanding the nature of Soul is perhaps one of the most fundamental and essential tasks on our individual journey through life. Without knowing what Soul is and how it relates to our life here on earth, we can easily get lost, confused, and stranded.
Our Soul is the immaterial essence and totality of who we truly are i.e. non-physical authentic Self at a human level. All life at its core level is frequency, vibration, energy. Soul is the whole of this energy; a unique expression of the Divine many call Spirit. Soul can be defined as Spirit embodied, the power that animates, moves, and speaks to us. Soul is our source of intuition and higher knowing.
Soul and Spirit – Is there a difference?
Soul and Spirit sound similar and are often used interchangeably – but they’re not the same. While Soul is connected to the earth, Spirit is connected with heaven. While Soul is a doorway into the mysteries of the personal unknown, Spirit opens a door into boundless Oneness. Soul is earthly, mysterious, and accessed through the subconscious in dreams and visions. Spirit, is heavenly, content-free, and accessed through states of purified awareness (such as meditation).
Soul uses the oxygen and space of Spirit to fuel itself.
The ultimate purpose of Soul
If Soul is the core, animating, and unique expression of the Divine within us, it makes sense to focus our efforts on reconnecting with Soul by removing blockages that obscure its light. The ultimate purpose of Soul is to mature and evolve.
As individual conduits of Spirit, we are ultimately trying to return back to the embrace of eternity; to pierce veils of illusion that make us feel divided and experience oneness.
How to find your Soul
All Souls share one great craving: to be free of our limited selves and the narrowness and suffocating emptiness of our thoughts.
We need to move through the emotional, mental, physical, and etheric pollution of our lives to reconnect with our Souls. This is not always an easy path, especially when we are so habituated to a certain state of living and thought patterns.
To find your Soul, question everything. You need to walk the path less traveled, be the lone wolf, and go in search of something more. This can be an uncomfortable path, hence why most people prefer the comfort and complacency of mediocrity. But learning to reconnect with our Soul is a core part of the spiritual journey.
3 sacred practices to connect with your Soul
Path 1 – The Body, Physical Realm
Path 2 – The Heart, Emotional Realm
Path 3 - The Mental Realm
Sacred practice details, live links and more at https://lonerwolf.com/what-is-a-soul/
What makes now so extraordinarily different?
Scientists, engineers and philosophers alike warn that without a radical shift in our thinking [and behaviour], we could be the last generation of pure humans this world knows. Within a single generation, humans may devolve into a hybrid species of synthetic bodies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and computer chips that limit our ability to be human and adapt to conditions in a healthy way.
Gregg Braden’s new book ‘Pure Human’ has two parallel themes 1] Unprecedented and unparalleled changes in our world and 2] Our humanness is so poorly understood, we may ‘consent’ to give our humanness to technology before we even know what it fully means to be human. Both themes are deeply related and deeply reflect events in the world today.
Part I Shadow work
7 Shadow Exercises (+ Free Workbook) and more at https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/what-you-dont-fix-you-get-to-keep
Part III
Our Inner Child,
5 ways to find our Authentic Self,
Ancient wise parable uplevelled.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog