RFK Jr. finally faces the real killers of his clan
Revelations can be stepping stones to purification.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he learned from his father that people in authority lie
On July 15, the New York Post released a video of Kennedy saying "COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people," and that among those who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and the Chinese. Jewish groups condemned the remarks as anti-Semitic.
Kennedy responded that the Post's reporting was wrong and that he "never, ever suggested the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews.
Kennedy cited a 2020 study published at PubMed, a database maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, which looked at genetic susceptibility to COVID and said that "Amish and Ashkenazi Jewish populations do not appear to carry" deleterious variants in ACE2, a host factor for the virus.
Let’s set the record straight about who is behind this war on man.
Timeline of the Khazar Turkic Ashkenazis from 600 BCE-Today’s DNA testing
The Process of Invention of Judaism & Talmud in Babylonian Iraq to Replace Semitic Judeans and Torah by Turkic Khazars (later called Ashkenazis).
740 AD Khazars were pagans like the Huns and were forced to choose a “One God” Religion under pressure from their neighbors and they chose Judaism. Around 740 AD, Bulan, the King of Khazaria, adopted the religion of Judaism and most of the aristocracy also did.
In Europe the Ashkenazis were confined to ghettos as a result of papal dictate in the mid-16th century. They developed their own tongue called Yiddish, which is the language of the Ashkenazi. Yiddish is the primary spoken language of the Khazarian (Turkic) Ashkenazi Jews originating around the 900s AD. Yiddish is not to be confused with Hebrew.
#9 Origins of Yiddish Are Anything But Understood, DNA evidence on The Forward Association — DNA findings indicate Eastern European Ashkenazis are genetically closer to populations in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Iran than to the Semite Jews of Spain or Palestine or linked to those regions. So the Ashkenazis that make up around 95% of those claiming to be Jews are “Turkic-Khazars.”
Khazarians are imposter Jews; brutal warriors attempting full domination of man
Khazarians were nomadic warriors, one of the most violent and cruel of the animal species ever to inhabit earth, with no use for life other than their own. Covidism proves it is so.
An Open Letter to the good son of RFK,
and nephew JFK would be proud of
July 23.23
Dear Robert F. Kennedy, Jr:
Robert, do you get it?
Surely you knew that the “Party” of JFK and RFK is gone—totally gone, as in taken over by hardcore communists and marxists, bolsheviks and anarchists, socialists and satanists.
And certainly you knew that you would face a witch hunt at the House hearing, as you did, conducted by the very worst Democrat witch in the USA—EVER!!! See Debbie Does D. C.!
Really, you must have expected getting lynched by the chief Khazarian witch — Debbie Wasserman Schultz — before you even had a trial—yes, no, maybe???
Please, if you haven’t already, Mr. Kennedy, take a close read of the over 2500 comments posted under the following video of that one-witch inquisition conducted by DWS. Every single comment — posted by DEMs and REPs alike — is in total support of you and your noble efforts to bridge the political divide in American government.
However, that’s not why we’re writing this open letter. We’re penning this proposal because of what happened before that hearing ever took place.
As you well know, 102 Democrats signed a letter addressed to Speaker McCarthy to disinvite you from that hearing. Yes, the four biggest rabble-rousers were none other that the Khazarian Mafia’s most powerful and vocal political hitmen who do nothing but pollute the U.S. Congress with their treasonous stench every time they open their mouths.
Now, may we say that there’s a HUGE difference between merely unleashing their oral flamethrowers at good people like yourself and, say, letting loose their murderous assassins against the likes of your father and your uncle, as well as your other uncle—Joseph Kennedy, Jr. and cousin—JFK, Jr. See: The Kennedy Assassination That No One Ever Talks About
We won’t mince words here: the Khazarian Cabal, which oversees the Chicago’s Jewish Supermob that effectively runs the American Military-Industrial Complex (MIC), is directly responsible for each of those 4 tragic assassinations (see reference below). For it was only the Khazarian Mafia that had the power and influence, the muscle and criminal connections as well as the extraordinary capacity to forever cover up those four separate high-profile assassinations.
To the main point: your courageous taking on of the MIC and perpetual war economy is the biggest poke in the eye you could ever give the Khazarians. Which means you have set yourself up — wittingly or wittingly — as their PUBLIC ENEMY #1.
There’s no walking back the raw and radioactive MIC truth you have already unloaded. Which means you might as well go all the way. Finish the job President John F. Kennedy started in the early sixties. He quite bravely outed all of those criminally insane psychopaths…knowing full well that his days were numbered by doing so. Continue at https://stateofthenation.co/?p=177125
To discern, keep asking hard questions
RFK Jr. was recently filmed discussing bioweapons. He claimed to know a lot about them now because he’s been researching for the last two and a half years for a book that purports to expose the origins of “coronavirus disease 19".
This book has been talked about since at least October 2022, but can’t be critiqued because it hasn’t been released yet.
Courageous individuals like Christine Massey are sending strong messages to the forces of darkness and expanding awareness in the public domain. We can cooperate by informing many others.
21st Century Metamorphosis
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Everything that letter talks about is spot on TRUTH! I have been researching
the Khazarian/Ashkenazi connection for the past 30 years. That letter informed
me of information I had never previously found. I am grateful for your efforts to
get out the TRUTH. without recourse and w/o prejudice, Joseph Webb.