Imperial Mind Games: the Trump-Harris-Kennedy Puppet Show explained: Instantly page not found.

August 31, 2024 Intro by Steve Cook | The following article is quite remarkable. It comes from one of our most observant and insightful writers and presents a very, very cogent and enlightening analysis of the puppet show/con game that passes for politics in the rapidly degenerating Anglo-American Empire. It is now beyond doubt that millions of we plebs ... https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/imperial-mind-games-the-trump-harris-kennedy-puppet-show-explained/

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ADDENDUM: Are there differences between magicians, media and politicians? No, therefore do not look where they direct your eyes, your mind and your attention. Here’s why …

Deceivers deal in generalities not specificities. Always give some thought to what was ‘not’ said rather than what was said. Especially in law, look for what is not said compared to what is said. Normally, definitions in law are contained in each title and subsection. Be aware that a definition in one law can be contradictory in a different section. Where you are directed in one law to another law, those definitions come into play as well.

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