S. Africa 10 hour a day blackouts | Rape, pillage, and death of Lady Justice
GRADUALISM bred permanent, rolling blackouts in South Africa.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
A country in darkness
Blackouts in South Africa started 15 years ago with minor blackouts a few days a year. Gradually over the years blackouts intensified and are now permanent.
Millions of South Africans are plunged into darkness as 8-10 HOUR A DAY “rolling blackouts” are forced on them in the name of energy CONservation and climate change. A phone app notifies people when the next blackout is ‘scheduled’ and its duration.
Jerm Warfare from Africa joined Maria Zeee to expose the truth behind “Net-Zero”, a plan to turn smart cities into ghettos with constant blackouts and limited power. This is what “reducing coal power” looks like 9:44 mins video.
A staged, world-wide energy crisis through gradualism and deception
Bob Livingston
How can human freedom turn into slavery without people’s awareness? Gradualism is how. Anything can be accomplished through gradualism; here’s how.
The Rape, Pillaging and Death of Lady Justice
Dec 15.23 | Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled that referring to drag queens as “groomers” does not fall under Canada’s protected speech laws, setting up potential defamation lawsuits against anyone who uses the term.
Dec 13.23 | Bill S10 An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material.
Passed Second Reading in the Senate.
Everyone is asked to contact your Member of Parliament (MP) if they voted NO. Voting results. https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/votes/44/1/609
Dec 14.23 | The Most Dangerous Canadian Internet Bill You Never Heard Of Is a Step Closer to Becoming Law.
Bill S210, which is the brainchild of Senator Julie Miville-Duchêne, is not a government bill. In fact, government ministers voted against it. Instead, the bill is backed by the Conservatives, Bloc and NDP with a smattering of votes from backbench Liberal MPs.
Bill S-210 goes well beyond personal choices to limit underage access to sexually explicit material on Canadian sites. Instead, it envisions government-enforced global website liability for failure to block underage access, backed by website blocking and mandated age verification systems that are likely to include face recognition technologies. Continued at
Dec 07, 2021 | Canada Bill C4 Conversion Therapy Ban
Bill C-4 criminalizes parents and authoritative figures who dare "to tell a child they should not transition but rather love themselves for who they are." The House passed the Bill unanimously with a standing ovation. 02:41 mins
Lady Injustice
By Terry Burton
Dec 13.23
The court system, sadly, is politically motivated and compromised—it cannot and should not be trusted to deliver justice; again, it cannot deliver justice, because it has clearly abandoned the foundational principles of justice. It is now in a perpetual state of deception, seized with keeping up appearances—its moral fiber has been unwound and lays limp on the altar of leftist identity politics (LIP), manifested daily by their addiction to power and control (PAC).
Finally, this wisdom from Judge Millett, “A court cannot sit back and wait for a ‘carnival atmosphere’ to descend before acting,” she wrote.
This is exactly what the courts have done in the USA and Canada, in particular. They have made a mockery of the judicial system, they have not acted, and by their inaction and acquiescence, have encouraged the carnival atmosphere. The courts are now the new Barnum & Bailey Injustice Circus—yes, they have, indeed, become the promoters of the greatest farce of justice in the Western World.
“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand-fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
Pluck the day!
The time is RIPE to go within ourselves to ask for divine guidance, to ask for optimal resources, optimal relationships, optimum health and well being, optimum courage to save the children while transforming chaos into coherence and lasting freedom.
If you get a response or have suggestions please post in the comment section. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog