I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
The Great Barrington Declaration
As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. https://gbdeclaration.org
No record found
940,000 signatures about physical and mental health impacts of prevailing COVID-19 policies without proof SARS CoV2 exists.
Freedom of information requests reveal more than 224 health/science institutions world-side have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever.
Why I asked for my name to be removed from The Great Barrington Declaration
By Dr. Jonathan Engler (United Kingdom)
Sept 24.24
I am not going to stand by while one humongous lie is allowed to become established just because people find the entire truth unpalatable, nor because of some misguided desire to coalesce behind “consensus” for tactical reasons. I just sent the email below to gbdeclaration@gmail.com
Please could you remove my name from the signatories to The Great Barrington Declaration.
When I signed this document, I believed the story that there was a novel virus around which was causing a novel illness, and that some sort of protection for some people was deemed desirable.
However, I am now firmly of the belief that the pandemic construct was staged. Any and all harms observed and reported can be explained by a combination of: mistreatment, maltreatment, non-treatment, neglect, abuse and data fraud.
The key tools used to stage the event were propaganda, data fraud (of several varieties) and the mass rollout of a fraudulent test.
Without these:
nothing out of the ordinary would have been noticed at any time
the status quo observed before the “pandemic” was declared (a total lack of excess mortality or reported clusters of unusual illnesses despite widespread presence of whatever it was which turned “covid tests” positive) would have continued uninterrupted
The “pandemic” was created by response to the misguided and false perception of a novel virus in circulation.
There is no epidemiological model - other than one twisted and tortured beyond reasonableness - which can explain a number of key observations about what happened in spring 2020, notably:
unnoticed pre-pandemic presence of the putative pathogen (as measured by the same tests to track its progress later)
lack of ripples and clusters of excess mortality
waves of deaths congruent with administrative and political actions
vastly differing “pandemic outcomes” between countries and other regional units sharing administrative boundaries. Continue at
Foundational knowledge
A maxim of law is an established principle or proposition;
1. A principle of law universally admitted as being just and consonant with reason.
2. Maxims in law are somewhat like axioms in geometry. 1 Bl. Com. 68. They are principles and authorities, part of the general customs or common law of the land; and are of the same strength as acts of parliament when judges have determined what is a maxim; which belongs to the judges and not the jury.
Ignorance of those things one is bound to know does not excuse.
To refer errors to their principals is to refute them.
An error not rebutted is approved.
He who is silent appears to consent.
The Great ‘Con’ Declaration
The great ‘con’ in the word consent is that individuals declare themselves 100% accountable for both benefits and liabilities of ‘every’ freewill choice they make. TY!
Implied consent
IMPLIED. This word is used in law as contrasted with "express;" e., where the intention in regard to the subject-matter is not manifested by explicit and direct words, but is gathered by implication or necessary deduction from the circumstances, the general language, or the conduct of the parties.
Black’s Law dictionary https://heimatundrecht.de/sites/default/files/dokumente/Black%27sLaw4th.pdf
‘Implied consent’ mirrors the maxim ‘He who is silent appears to consent. In other words, failure to rebut tyranny is consent to it. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
And it just so happens that our local government has blatantly short-changed items requiring public consultation since we were shoved off the edge in 2020, free-falling into a ‘new reality’ they are creating for us. They do this by way of obscure, fast-tracked (mere days instead of weeks) and digital-only notifications, followed by a digital meeting. Effectively excluding 99% of the population who had their heads down working and never knew. And even if they caught it dashing by, very few here in the rural spaces are familiar or comfortable with Zoom meetings. Typically, out of 60,000 population less than 15 would find their way there, and -wait for it- some of those are civic summer students or employees. Boom! Implied Consent-passed-moving on. It’s a racket. An Implied Consent racket stealing our voices.