With all that is going on, please join a 25 minute silent meditation each Monday through Friday to ground yourself, regenerate, and self-empower.
TIME: 11 AM Eastern time, 10 AM Central time, 8 AM Pacific time [Canada].
Time zone converter https://www.calculator.net/time-zone-calculator.html
LOCATION: Same link each day. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82373819522?pwd=QXRnWVNJaWkwTjdiakhMQ01NUXlJZz09
You can download Zoom free on your PC at https://www.zoom.us/download
BENEFITS: Many of us are so distracted by the demands of modern life and our minds so over stimulated, we’ve temporarily lost touch with our natural state of being. When our inner space is cluttered with fear, judgement, emotional wounds, etc., clarity and in-born wisdom become distant and foggy until we cultivate inner peace and calm, scientifically proven to benefit us mentally, physically and emotionally.
Please explore the ‘many’ benefits of quietening your mind, and join as often as you like.
If you know others who may be interested, please invite them too.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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