'Splintering Babylon' documentary banned in America now free for a limited time!
The Path to Freedom: God’s law versus man-made Maritime Law.
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Chaos compels minds of man to open
‘Splintering Babylon’ is a provocative documentary that explores the controversial theory of Nazi influence in the founding of major Western institutions such as CIA, NATO, and United Nations. The film presents a narrative that Wall Street, along with Prescott Bush—father of U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush—financially supported Adolf Hitler and the Nazi elite prior to World War II.
When the COVID PSYOP was deployed against peoples of the world, few understood we were witnessing the opening salvos of a long-planned “Final Solution” for the human species.
As we observe controlled demolition of Western Civilization, with standing ovations in Canada for a former Nazi SS officer and hundreds of billions of dollars going to Nazi fighters in Ukraine, the hidden history of the past 80 years begins to reveal itself.
The United States did not win World War II; instead, occult Nazis founded major postwar global organizations like NATO, the United Nations and its many evil agencies like the IMF and World Health Organization.
In the US, the Nazis founded the Central Intelligence Agency, the CDC, and NASA, while also infiltrating every agency and echelon of every other Western government.
The Cabal achieved this through a range of tactics from bribery and extortion to the CIA’s MK-Ultra program, to the allure of sex, fame, money, power to Satanism.
Splintering Babylon reveals this hidden history and brave American presidents who warned us and tried to thwart the Cabal’s evil agenda.
This film connects the dots of a global military alliance that designed a counterplan, set on a parallel track, and timed it to destroy the Babylon Beast system before humanity plunges into the abyss.
End of tyrannical Babylon Beast system
The Books of Daniel and Revelation uncannily prophesied this final battle— God’s law versus man-made Maritime Law, as foretold by the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse. https://splinteringbabylon.com
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Please forward this documentary to expand awareness, collaboration, cooperation and quality contributions to free man from this dark construct. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog