
Thank you TRS, for seeking meaningful ways to solve problems. Swarm intelligence is unrestricted by ego. Objective science proves man is here to unlock the potential in ourselves. Using a physical rule set cannot change physical reality. In other words, when we thaw the ice around our hearts from emotional wounds, learn how our internal operating system works and master it [Inner Truth], outer reality responds in kind. Man's internal operating system is natural, the most sophisticated technology ever to grace this earth, free, and results are experienced b/c outer world follows inner world.

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How do we SAFELY reverse the course which these corrupt centralized entities have us on?

We build new systems that make the old ones obsolete- ones 100% controlled and built by the people - then plug them into the system with decentralized leadership.

We feel like we are down a rabbit hole and found a fix for all of the corruption and most of our problems, but can’t scream loud enough for others to hear us. We need to build better Swarming systems, and plug them into our current broken systems using leaders who decentralize their own positions. We implore you to read this and understand the importance https://joshketry.substack.com/p/human-swarm-intelligence-the-most?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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