The Digi-tatorship Plan, Its Origin, Overlords, and Flag Alert Part I of III
Free yourself from deception.
How can darkness be transformed w/out shining light on it? We are moving through a period of purification before a new era can begin. A time when individuals can be paralyzed by fear or expand awareness to preserve and evolve our species.
The Plan Revealed
The United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals sugar coat the Plan for billions of people to enslave and or kill themselves until populations reach 500 million as follows.
By Scientific Progress
Oct 2022
Lethal “medicine”: lab designed bioweapons (like COVID and ones blocked by the war in Ukraine), measures (lockdowns), treatments (ventilators), pharmaceuticals/vaccines/haccines, changed definition of brain death (deliberately separated from cardio-respiratory death) to murder and harvest “presumed organ donors”.
Long-term harmful microwaves: satellite, 5/6/7G, cellphone attacks.
Climate changing. Droughts or floods through satellites, cell towers, ground stations and chemtrails. Solar geo-engineering by releasing sun-blocking particles in the upper atmosphere with the false excuse of planet cooling, causing the opposite (less sun, less plant carbon capture), causing global famines by reducing agricultural productivity.
Food and water: tainted GMOs. Injecting livestock and insects with contagious “vaccines” to indirectly vax all humans without them knowing. Graphening livestock to reach humans through meat, milk, eggs. FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarious, etc.
Long-term lethal substances: pesticides, artificial sweeteners, additives, fluoride (with other poisons like monosodium glutamate, reduces IQ] addictive screens with subliminal images and ultrasonic audio, b) worse education, c) lack of humanities, and d) brainwashing: the war on children |
Nuclear irradiation: swabs, haccines, food, spices, places.
Choking digi-tatorship.
Same serial killers, different weapons. More of the Plan at
Satanic global power brokers | link below
If ever there was a time to learn how the world is really run and by whom it is now. As the fate of humanity and future of planet Earth lie in very delicate balance these revelations are more important than ever. A truly informed and aware populace is required to make wiser decisions … about EVERYTHING.
The detailed report in the following link discloses ‘many’ formerly concealed mafia families of which the Khazarian Cabal’s “International Organized Crime Syndicate” is comprised.
If there is evidence to the contrary, please post it in the comment section.
Noahide Laws - what you ought to know
A centerpiece of the Babylonian Talmud is a set of laws entitled, “Noahide Laws”. These pagan laws are quietly forming the basis of our laws practiced today, and quietly being set in place as International Law to impose the most horrific dictatorship this world has ever seen!
Part II
Thanks Judy!
Pride flag flanked by USA flags.
Noahide flag
Whose flag is flying at Rockefeller Center in New York, Pride or Noahide?
Public Law 102-14 states the Seven Noahide Laws are the principles upon which the American Nation was founded.
The children.
A Higher Plan.Part II
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Thank you. I will make time to read what you wrote.
Thank you sharing and commencing the exposure of the feudal system behind global events. Yes, it is a feudal system pyramid. I wrote the attached back in 1987, I am sure you will find it interesting.