The Indoctrinated Brain: attack on more than mental freedom
Will our species retain its humanness?
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Caution: brain damage awareness ahead
Apr 02.24
Throughout the world, mental capacity is declining especially among young people, while depression rates are rising dramatically. One in forty men and women suffers from Alzheimer's and the age of onset is falling rapidly. The causes are not being eliminated, quite the opposite.
Molecular geneticist and immunologist Dr. Michael Nehls tells Tucker Carlson how fear-mongering is used to put people into mindless states of control.
The Indoctrinated Brain introduces a largely unknown, powerful neurobiological mechanism whose externally induced dysfunction underlies these catastrophic developments.
Nehls lays out a shattering chain of circumstantial evidence indicating that behind these numerous negative influences lies a targeted, masterfully executed attack on our individuality. By exposing brain-damaging processes and describing countermeasures, Nehls highlights this fateful chapter in human history. Nothing less will be decided than the question of whether our species can retain its humanity and its creative power or whether it will lose them irretrievably.
Attack on man’s mental immune system
Nehls 03:40 mins A 2007-2008 publication on SARS-CoV1 showed the spike protein was capable of Neuroinflammation, a cytokine storm in the brain whereby the brain’s innate immune system is triggered. Alzheimer’s is not a disease of the aged. It is caused by Neuroinflammation and lifestyle. Neuroinflammation can be caused by excessive fear, bacteria, viruses and chronic infections.
The hippocampus is our autobiographical memory center, which is the center where Alzheimer’s starts, and it needs to be functional. It’s called Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis, permanent production of our nerve cells with many, many functions. They are essentially our ‘mental immune system’. If this production is shut down our mental immune system breaks down and we are vulnerable to anything; we can be conquered and willingly accept it.
Emotions change the way the brain works
The brain can be physically changed to make man more controllable. Strong emotions like fear, when your mental immune system is down, meaning your psychological resilience is down, leads to a very strong effect in the brain, a neurotoxic effect, leakage of molecules out of the neurons recognized by immune cells in the brain. This recognition leads to activation of a very strong immune response activating pro-inflammatory cytokines, which attack the hippocampus autobiographical memory center shutting down many functions like curiosity, psychological resilience drops meaning everything that happens leads to an increased rate of depression, and shuts down our ability to think.
Spike protein damage
The 2007-2008 publication on SARS-CoV1 showing spike protein was capable of Neuroinflammation, at that time the spike protein could not enter the brain so they changed that. In the short term you are prone to depression, in the long term you are prone to Alzheimer’s. It was clear 15 years ago the spike protein was a bioweapon against the brain. That part of the brain Dr. Nehls refers to as our mental immune system, which makes us human, allows us to think, be curious, explore the world, develop a culture. In other words, the spike protein attacks the very basis of what it is to be human.
Weaponization of SARS-CoV2
Nehls 08:52 mins To really attack the brain you have to get the spike protein into the brain. Dr. Nehls explains how SARS-CoV-2 was weaponized to trigger a cascade of different pro-inflammatory cytokines, each one of them individually capable of shutting down nerve production in the hippocampus required for curiosity, psychological resilience and our ability to think; effects of the jab and the virus itself.
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
See the withdrawn publication and how SARS-CoV2 was weaponized.
Watch 22:30-29:45 mins
Conquering the human mind
Nehls 10:45 mins Covid is about conquering the human mind. It’s actually worse than that b/c we need production of nerve cells for memorizing and retrieving our memories. If you shut down production and force the hippocampus to memorize all the fear mongering narratives, these narratives will enter the brain and be memorized in the hippocampus at a cost:
Pre-existing memory override
It will override pre-existing memories b/c without production of new nerve cells allowing new memories without harming previous ones, you override your pre-existing memories with fear narratives, technocratic narratives, which change your individuality and your personality.
Nehls 16:50-20:00 mins Effects of spike protein on the brain were known before the covid hoax. m-RNA dangers were ignored.
Installing a new operating system: zombies
Nehls 26:00-30:45 mins An AI controlled society is an evil social operating system [SOS]. Individuality and the creative power of man are being destroyed.
What are we without autobiographical memory? Zombies instead of self-realized spirit/soul in form reflecting heaven on earth; as above so below.
Things you can do. END
Erasing more than the memory of man
Is the ultimate goal to erase all cause, core, memory and record of the Source of all creation through man’s freewill choices? In other words, will the Highest Authority and only power to create, which responds to man’s freewill choices unconditionally, create endlessly what AI projects heartlessly through mindless man?
Fellow man
Every ‘one’ of us faces the prospect of mindless confinement in 15 minute city open air prisons. The more people who know this, the more potential to preserve natural man b/c we are all in this together.
15 minute city article to share
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Will man preserve our individual, unique, divine humanness or consent to worship of a godhead based on AI?
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
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