Toronto: Live from global march to end fossil fuels
End financing the fossil fuel industry
Electric Grass Is Not Greener
EV’s are urged on for many reasons, firstly, it takes the responsibility away from powerful corporations and the wealthy and places it in the individual, by scolding, shaming, and punishing people with carbon taxes on petroleum for driving gas powered vehicles. Trendy causes are the way companies deprecate on your eco-conscience to pay high prices with no company accountability for their production destruction or their dangerous designs. People can also gain a false sense that their choice to drive an EV can make a big difference. Cars are an easy target. EVs will not save the planet. The move to EVs will make no meaningful difference. For some, they will make things much worse.
In fact, mining and manufacturing of EVs is a major contributor of climate change.
Are Electric Vehicles a Solution?
Let’s summarize here the key points of our analysis, which shows that there is little rationale for any massive & rapid transition towards electric vehicles.
The analysis by Mark Mills in his recent study, that led him to conclude that EVs are essentially an “impossible dream,” needed to be looked at very seriously, as his conclusions are so much at odds with what governments, spending / wasting billions and billions of taxpayers money, are now doing in so many countries to push EVs.
Climate Crisis: Curtailing freedoms C40 Smart 15 Minute - Cities
Thank you, Rachel.
July 2023
Lisa Miron (Barrister and Solicitor, B.Sc, LLB, LLM), provides an in-depth presentation on C40 Cities: The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World”.
In the UN/WEF’s race to achieve zero emissions they are aggressively lobbying governments, offering huge financial incentives, trampling over the rights of citizens, with the central objective to create a One World Government. Tanya provides tangible actions and resources citizens can use to hold elected officials accountable to fight this globalist agenda.
Zero carbon or zero critical thought?
Climate emergency is fiction
“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures."
Inform others so the truth can set us free
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
There should be a law--If you have an electric vehicle, it can only be charged using a non-fossil fuel source.