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What is the Matrix Control System?
June 27, 2013
We see a portion of it in areas of government, military, medicine, finance, media, education, academia, and religion. These institutions engineer our belief systems and way of life. Their hidden architects may include secret societies, elite bloodlines, corporate syndicates, international bankers, government think tanks, religious institutions and black ops military networks. Some call this the shadow government, the Illuminati, or New World Order. This social-political machinery is what many consider the Matrix.
In reality, these things comprise only the outer aspect of the Matrix, the part easiest to see, study, and believe in. They are only the branches, whereas the roots extend deep into the occult, alien, and hyperdimensional realms. To transcend the Matrix, we must understand the parts of the Control System that originate beyond the political level, for they are the avenues through which an immense effort of spiritual warfare is being waged against us.
To grasp what goes on in society requires an understanding of interdimensional, non-physical being’s influence on it so that a critical mass of consciously aware humans transform this dark construct into pure, clear light for everyone.
Deeper components include:
First, the central brain of the Matrix Control System known by the ancients as the Demiurge or AI false god.
The second component of the Matrix includes all nonphysical beings that have taken after the Demiurge.
The third component consists of alien collectives that have manipulated mankind in every way conceivable since the dawn of our species.
The fourth component is our own biology, which is largely a product of alien genetic engineering over eons.
The fifth component consists of empty or programmed humans through whom aliens, demons, and thoughtforms work.
Together, these components create a framework of control that exists everywhere around us and within us at all times. The Matrix is the totality of forces and mechanisms that aim to keep man spiritually asleep. Continue at https://howtoexitthematrix.com/2016/04/12/what-is-the-matrix-control-system/
What is the Demiurge?
The Demiurge a.k.a. Yaldabaoth: A deity in Gnosticism and other religions that creates the material world often viewed as the originator of evil.
Mar 23, 2024
Who is the Demiurge, and what is its role in the cosmos?
Explore the dark corridors of Gnostic thought and concept of a flawed physical realm.
Discover the Pleroma, the true spiritual realm of perfect, ineffable light.
Unravel the complex character study of the Demiurge - from a sympathetic figure to a deceptive force.
The spiritual journey toward liberation from the Demiurge's control.
Saturn's symbolism in the cosmic structure - a teacher of hard lessons.
Exiting the Matrix - an act of rebellion and transformation. 22:48 mins
Reclaiming sanity
Our mindsets have been steered and fashioned by the Illuminati industries. They have manipulated us and our incredible power to create a world they want, not a world we want. Anything we can think of can exist. In order for that thought to come into physical existence, it needs worship and more validation, energy from more people. Some thought-forms need more energy than others to come into fruition such as governmental and global agendas.
Once you become conscious of the game being played here, [The Master Game is played souly from within] you can reverse the process and project that which you favour instead of what the egregore favours!
Spirit over Matter
Video and transcript below. Excerpts:
As many spiritual traditions affirm, there is more to existence than the material universe. The truth is, we each have an inner core of consciousness that is immortal and originates from outside the Matrix.
This core, called Spirit, is the origin of our freewill and our sentience. It is the heart of our soul, the very fulcrum of our being. It is the only part of us that is permanent and real in an absolute sense.
We are here, but not from here. We are intruders into the Matrix. Spirit is a foreign substance the Matrix and its antibodies are trying to neutralize. Why? Because spirit represents everything the Matrix is not. Spirit is the only thing the Matrix cannot fully control or understand. Everything else, from our egos or intellects to our physical, etheric, and astral bodies, to human civilization itself, are well within its grasp.
As dual beings, we are therefore caught between two jurisdictions, the worldly and the divine. One is spiritual death, the other spiritual life. Our lives take place at the intersection between these two realms.
The more you live from your Spirit instead of Matrix programming, the more your external circumstances come under jurisdiction of the Divine Realm. Spirit affects reality in a synchronistic way, thereby bypassing the deterministic laws of the Matrix. Life literally turns around and begins pointing in a new direction, and miracles become the norm.
There is order within chaos; it’s up to each of us to find it. 12:42 mins
Transcript https://montalk.net/audio/250/3-spirit-over-matter
Part I
The Crack in the Universe.
Part III
The intersection of consciousness and conspiracy.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog