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Interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton
The following Q&A is from my 2010 radio interview with cellular biologist, research scientist, professor and international best-selling author of several books including ‘Spontaneous Evolution’, Dr. Bruce Lipton, co-authored with Steve Bhaerman. Not verbatim.
Perennial questions
How did we get here?
Why are we here?
How do we make the best of it?
Whatever organization or entity provides the most convincing answers to fundamental questions of life, shapes the truths and character of that civilization.
• As answers to these questions change over time, so does civilization,
• Most people are unaware that science now has sustainable insights that contradict current answers to these questions,
• The current global crisis indicates we are operating under faulty assumptions based on obsolete answers to the perennial questions.
Q & A
1. What is spontaneous evolution?
• Conventional belief that evolution is a long and gradual process is mistaken. New scientific insights reveal evolution occurs in quantum jumps,
• Just as health is restored ‘miraculously’ in an individual’s spontaneous remission, by correcting our collective mistaken beliefs man can undergo a similar healing.
2. Where is evidence of a positive future for humanity?
• Repeating patterns of nature and evolution indicate crisis ignites evolution, and imminent evolutionary change will bring about greater awareness and connection,
• Unlike prior evolutionary stages this tract of man will consciously participate.
Civilization is in decline. Why is that good news?
• The current confluence of crises indicates fundamental change is at hand,
• The decline of what is not working is akin to caterpillar deconstructing itself as butterfly forms,
• Seen in that light, we can begin to recognize a new civilization is being born as the old one crumbles.
Why do you refer to the pillars of Western thought as the ‘4 Myth Perceptions of the Apocalypse’?
• Our culture and lives are based on truths we perceive about our world,
• The 4 fundamental beliefs that until recently were the foundation of the scientific paradigm have been profoundly revised by the latest scientific discoveries.
• The crumbling pillars include:
1. Newtonian Physics,
2. Genetic control of life,
3. Survival of the fittest,
4. Notion of random evolution.
• Because radical new conclusions have not yet reached the general public, society’s institutions continue to navigate by ‘burned out stars’ and are taking the world in a misguided direction.
5. How can so much of what we think we know be mistaken?
• Unfortunately, the current context for holding information is based on scientifically disproved beliefs,
• We accepted disempowering programming as ‘truth’. With new and accurate knowledge comes empowerment.
If the 4 Myth-Perceptions have been proven untrue, what keeps them in place and us in a holding pattern?
• Most people don’t want their worldview shattered,
• Institutions founded on these disproved principles have a vested interest; their survival in keeping old beliefs in place,
• Those organizations (religion, government, health care, banking, etc.) are run by profit not awareness.
What can our cells teach us about solving crisis around the economy, government, universal health care, and balance between growth and protection?
• In regards to the economy, our cellular community enjoys full employment, universal health care and ‘no cell left behind’,
• Communal health is wealth, so all cells receive proper nutrition and neurological protection from invasive diseases,
• Payment comes in the form of ATP, the body’s energy currency. All cells get what they need to thrive, and cells doing the most important jobs are paid more. Some are even given a staff of supporting cells,
• Excess ‘wealth’ is stored in community banks (i.e., fat cells) and gets allocated based on needs of the whole system,
• There is no borrowing. The body gets to use only the energy available,
• There is no inflation. The value of ATP has remained stable for seven billion years!
• In regards to government, the cellular system embodies the United States official motto ‘e pluribus unum’ out of many one. Each cell is ‘free’ to thrive provided it contributes to the well being of the whole system,
• Divisive and dualistic politics is unknown in the body. Different polarities – like proteins and lipids – cooperate to create an integrated whole,
• Our bodies rely on accurate information, unspun and undistorted so our protection systems can distinguish between real and imaginary threats. Dialogue between individual cells and the body’s central goes on all the time, and the government listens and endeavors to do what is best for the whole system,
• In a cell – or for that matter a human body – growth and protection mechanisms are mutually exclusive. Growth is represented by moving toward a stimulus with open arms in order to assimilate and grow. In contrast, protection is moving away from a stimulus and closing down. While protection is sometimes necessary to defend one’s life, protection behaviors use the system’s energy but do not provide the system with energy for survival,
• Consequently, an organism that spends an inordinate amount of time in the protection posture is undermining its health. While protection is necessary, an overmilitarized body is expressing a pathology called ‘auto-immune dysfunction.’
What do we know about the conscious and subconscious mind, and how do they impact our behavior?
• There are two parts to the mind: the conscious, creative mind connected to Source, and subconscious which is a record-playback device programmed by developmental experiences,
• While we believe and perceive we are running our lives with our conscious mind, neuroscience reveals that more than 90% of our behaviors are controlled by our programmed subconscious mind,
• Most of the thoughts and actions we assume are our own, are the invisible and largely unquestioned thoughts and beliefs of others.
If survival of the fittest has been disproved, what is true instead?
• Recent understandings indicate evolution is based on evolution of community … cooperation and harmony, not competition,
• Based on the “myth-perception” of survival of the fittest, we’ve learned to spend our human and planetary resources on fighting one another. We must recognize cooperation and contribution are key because the crisis we face today is not survival of the fit or unfit human, but the entire community of life.
9. A section in your book is entitled Weapons of Mass Distraction … what are we being distracted from?
• Primarily, we are being distracted from our own power, individually and collectively,
• We are being distracted from the two components of every evolution: awareness, and community,
• In the face of their imminent demise, vested interests in society provide distractions to keep us apart and from finding out how powerful we truly are.
What is fractal mathematics and why is it important in predicting our evolutionary future?
• Nature designs itself using principles of a math called fractal geometry,
• Inherent in fractal math is the scientific principle “as above, so below.” In other words, the structure of nature is based on repetitive and self-similar patterns, and by recognizing these patterns we can predict future stages of development.
What did Einstein mean by “The Field is the only reality’?
• Humans have conventionally divided the universe into tangible physical matter and nonmaterial invisible energy, as two separate components of existence,
• When quantum physics was able to look inside the visible atom, it found that what we call matter is actually points of focused energy,
• Consequently, energy that comprises matter and energy that fills the space between matter are one and the same referred to as the Field. So … the only reality is the Field; matter is an illusion.
How do we write a new story?
• The first step is to recognize the story we’ve been brought up with has programmed behaviors into the subconscious mind. 95% of what we do and say is done and said without our conscious awareness!
• The beliefs that determine our reality are virtually invisible to us. Making invisible beliefs visible is the next important step,
• With more and more individuals and communities divesting from the old story it will diminish influence on reality,
• As we learn, live and reinforce humanity’s new story as a thriving organism, we provide ourselves with more and more evidence we are indeed here to “re-establish the Garden.”
The Field vs false narratives
Hidden Power
By Thomas Toward
There is an inner and an outer side to everything; and the quality of the superficial mind, which causes it to fail in the attainment of Truth is its willingness to rest content with the outside only. So long as this is the case it is impossible for a man to grasp the import of his own relation to the universal, and it is this relation which constitutes all that is signified by the word "Truth."
Soulful journey of man
As Dr. Lipton stated, we are the first tract of man whose spirit/soul is taking the body with it in full awareness as cycles within cycles of time come to a close and a new era advances.
Only a small % of people is required to expand their awareness, put personal differences aside to cooperate, and contribute by releasing attachment to beliefs that limit potential for growth and contribution, to set ourselves free. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog