I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Propaganda displays 3 general characteristics
Propaganda is made deliberately by an individual or group of individuals called the propagandist, for the purpose of manipulating individuals into adopting certain ideas and behaviors.
Propaganda never presents an issue in a clear and unbiased manner. Instead propaganda attempts to present one side of an issue as if it were an absolute truth. Adolf Hitler with help of his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels implemented one of the most massive propaganda campaigns of the 20th century.
Propaganda tends to use psychological manipulation tactics and to play on the emotions and prejudices of individuals, so as to convince them the idea, action or attitude they adopted was one they chose through their own personal volition. This last feature of propaganda is what can make it especially dangerous. 11:25 mins
Artificial intelligence propaganda
Today, we are faced with AI propaganda and its ability to monitor reactions globally and respond accordingly to sustain deception, distractions, depopulation, and compliance with e-prison 15 minute cities, digital ID, social credit scores, carbon taxes, etc., etc., etc.
Propaganda includes contradictions. https://www.kusi.com/dr-anthony-faucis-book-pulled-from-stores-after-emails-expose-constant-hypocrisy/Science of psychological manipulation
By Jason Christoff
May 18.23We're getting worked over pretty hard by behavioral psychologists at the moment. The people behind the green curtain can indeed make us afraid of anything and they've been doing so for all of recorded history.
The ruling group aren't stopping their fear parade because 30% of the population keep falling for it. Making people afraid of invisible and nonexistent threats is big business … and business is booming.
How many times have you been tricked into fearing something that doesn't exist?Fear lowers IQ and shuts down high IQ neuro-pathways. Fear is a mandatory ingredient in order that the few rule the many. Recent psy-op fear campaigns:
ISIS, IS, ISIL, terrorists, Al-Qaeda, Ebola, coronavirus, Zika, swine flu, measles, SARS, bird flu, Muslims, killer bees, HIV, AIDS, communism, the Soviet Union, Khmer Rouge, sunlight, the unvaccinated, the devil, Satan, sin, hell, Osama Bin Laden, saturated fat, polio, the hole in the ozone layer, high cholesterol, whooping cough, monkey pox, Asian killer hornets, salt, China, high blood pressure, ticks, global warming, climate change, standing closer than 6 feet apart, acid rain, rising sea levels, West Nile virus, Charlie Hebdo, 9/11, flesh eating disease shingles, mad cow, asymptotic carriers, Avian bird flu, Y2K, e-coli, the shoe bomber, SV-40, the gas shortage, listeria, anthrax, Epstein-barr, MTHFR, variants, Jeffery Epstein, Trump, H1N1, the flu, the war on terror, gun control, Omicron, bump stocks, community standards, Brexit, stock market crash, AR-15's, whooping cough, cow farts, tainted blood, standing up in a restaurant without a mask on, Lyme, unprotected sex, the Taliban, the DNC emails, delta variant etc., etc.
Electronic gulag
The term "Gulag" referred to a special division of secret police and the Soviet Ministry of the Interior overseeing the use of physical labor of prisoners. The majority of Gulag prisoners were innocent people locked up for a broad variety of political reasons on the basis of trumped-up charges or ethnicity and without apparent cause.
“COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.” — Yuval Noah Harari, World Economic Forum.Strategy to defend you and loved ones
The magic trick used to deceive humanity consists of two acts:
1) Hide behind supposedly humanitarian organizations, like the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, United Nations, etc.
2) Orchestrating crises and then claiming to save the world by offering their solutionsIn short: globalists play a clown act of being saviors of the world.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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