Where is your focus?
Effective people energize their circle of influence; what ‘you’ can change including your response. Ineffective people energize their circle of concern; unable and or unwilling to change.
World reset - will you follow?
The plan of globalists is an inventory and control plan; inventory and control of all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals. all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information and all human beings in the world.
This plan was agreed to by 179 Nations back in 1992. It's a United Nations’ plan called ‘Agenda for the 21st century’ implemented through elected politicians.
5 min video by Rosa Koire [March 28, 1956 - May 30, 2021]
Search: Wildlands project map - human access denied
Is/was covid restricted access to parks and beaches preparing people for denied access to nature under climate change fiction?
Agenda 21 stands for the Agenda for the 21st century, and Agenda 30 sustainable development is a marker to have most of the globalist’s goals accomplished.
There are so many people pushing back against a world coup d’etat the date may now be 2025.
Under the globalist’s reset, all are equal b/c no one is to express any individuality, creativity, talent or intellect that could place them above another. The United Nations version of equality is socialism, a euphemism for communism -- everything for the collective good, no individual rights and everyone equally poor.
TV programming is masterful at drilling this socialistic concept into the emotions and belief systems of its viewers.
Authoritarian control over money
Thanks Judy
Central banking digital currencies (CBDCs) and social credit systems explained. Show this to anyone who interprets reality as conspiracy theory.
Carbon credits - for climate change fiction
Thanks Judy
In theory, carbon credits are a way for individuals and companies to offset their emissions from carbon-intensive activities, like flying.
Carbon credits are a financial tool using a made up formula to buy and sell 'carbon' credits. If you're wealthy, you can buy credits.
The PEOPLE Reset - will you lead?
We need to set our own imperatives.
The Freedom Convoy To Ottawa was the greatest grassroots movement in Canadian history where everyday men, women and children of all walks of life, from every province, language, race and religion gathered to stand on guard for the country that we all love.
A legacy in the making - feel our connection
The world was inspired to stand against the overreach of governments everywhere.
Call out the perpetrators
No one is asking you to take the perpetrators to court however at least contact them with evidence to dispel the propaganda.
Pay attention to who they are, unsubscribe from their mis-information and do not forward it. Withdraw devotion and financial support for media propaganda. Expose and stop energizing the dark side to disempower it.
Stand with your fellow man
Governments ignore paper, they cannot and will not ignore a vast number of people b/c globalists cannot win against a massive uprising of millions of people.
Join with like minded people to challenge government and institution overreach, like universities mandating double jabs plus one or more boosters to live in residence.
Every life sustaining facet of existence is under assault and must be challenged by a great number of people standing together.
Use CASH as much as possible.
Transform fear into ‘unshakeable’ desire to live and thrive knowing there are others who want the same and that our strength is in vast numbers.
Resources https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/world-fertilizerfood-intel-food-as
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog