So what are we going to do about it? I know what we can do - stop paying interest on loans. Just the interest. Those with more cojones could also take their money out of the bank and close the account. Or one could do nothing. Any other ideas? We could have a bit more confidence in ourselves and actually get proactive. They will probably remove bank accounts soon anyway.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023Author

Hello Denise

In my opinion, there are opportunities embedded in present reality for everyone.

Ignoring and denying the truth of who we truly are, and how to transform [upgrade] outer reality by changing [upgrading] our individual selves, are the greatest opportunities of all b/c outer world follows inner world.

Locked in 15-minute counties mirrors being locked into beliefs limit human potential to know and free ourselves by aligning our body, mind spirit as one. An upcoming Blog will include https://apointoflight.co/connect-with-your-higher-self/

People I know are already experiencing life unfold in the best way possible for them and processing negativity from a place of higher knowing.

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Thank you Doreen, your link was very helpful. And yes these times will bring out something deep in us. It's all part of the journey. I am in a bad situation at present and I'm using these principles already. If you did the website, thank you for your guidance.

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If you care to chat email me at info@earthcentral.ca

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